Stephanie: Deconversion of an MK

Atheism, Deconstruction, Deconversion, Hell Anxiety, Humanism, Missionary, Podcast, Secular Grace, secular grief
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This week’s guest is Stephanie, a Deconversion Anonymous group member. Stephanie grew up in the Assemblies of God church as a Missionary Kid. Her younger years held all the trappings of white American evangelicalism, from conservative Christian school curricula to a paralyzing fear of going to hell forever.

“The ‘hell belief’? It’s a sticky one.” 

Stephanie’s beliefs, however, had been set on precarious foundations: Christians are good and everyone else is bad; the Bible is true and inerrant; the Earth may look old, but it is only thousands of years old. Stephanie made friends outside the church as a young adult, and these new relationships plus great documentaries and books cracked open the bedrocks of her faith. 

It’s been a long time since she deconverted, and she is living a life she loves by loving others without reservation. This is true secular grace, Humanism 2.0.


“I have always felt strong emotions when I was participating in any of these very charismatic services, a lot of crying, a lot of emotion, but I’m not one of those people who really felt like I was talking to God, that He was talking to me. I was wishing desperately to feel that, [though]…”

“I had a very severe fear of hell.”

“I was jealous of the Baptists because they had the thing called ‘eternal salvation,’ that once you were saved you were always saved.”

“The ‘hell belief’? It’s a sticky one.” 

“You can’t raise a kid in one culture and then drop them off in another and that be okay…You can’t do that to a child.” 

“If you don’t hold to the [inerrancy of the Bible] very strongly, you can hold onto your Christian beliefs much longer.” 

“If you are raised that the Bible is inerrant—We stand on it firmly!—and then you [hear] all this evidence that it’s just not inerrant…then it all just kinda tumbles in on itself.”

It’s over. I don’t believe. I don’t believe any of it. It was just a quiet moment inside my head with no fanfare, no tears, no nothing…”

“I can hold out that there’s a possibility that some sort of entity out there may or may not have sparked everything, but I don’t see any evidence for it, and I’m not wasting mental energy on it.”

And then last fall, I finally managed to get a position as a nurse scientist where I helped design studies help other nurses put studies together, help them look for evidence, help them critically evaluate the evidence. I love my job. I can think of nothing better than I could do.


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Secular Grace

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“Waves” track written and produced by Makaih Beats


NOTE: This transcript is AI produced ( and likely has many mistakes. It is provided as rough guide to the audio conversation.

David Ames  0:11  
This is the graceful atheist podcast United studios podcast. Welcome, welcome. Welcome to the graceful atheist podcast. My name is David, and I am trying to be the graceful atheist. I want to thank my latest patrons on Melissa and Susan, thank you so much for supporting the podcast. I also want to thank my existing patrons Joseph John, Ruby Sharon, Joel, Lars Ray, Rob, Peter Tracy, Jimmy, Jason and Nathan. Thank you to all my Patrons for supporting the podcast. If you too would like to have an ad free experience of the podcast you can become a patron at atheist. If you are doubting or deconstructing, you don't have to do it alone. Please join our private Facebook group deconversion anonymous. You can find it at Special thanks to Mike T for editing today's show. On today's show, my guest today is Stephanie. Stephanie is a missionary kid she grew up in Brazil. At 18 She was dropped off back in the United States where she experienced a lot of culture shock. Stephanie admits that she was not very much of a Christian humanist. Her deconstruction and deconversion began with simple things like nature shows and science shows. Stephanie was a nurse for many years she went on to become a nurse scientist where she does research and supports her nursing staff. And today she is very much a humanist and concerned about secular grace and caring for people. Here is Stephanie to tell her story. Stephanie, welcome to the graceful atheist podcast.

Stephanie  2:10  
Yes, thank you for having me.

David Ames  2:12  
Stephanie, I appreciate that. You. You reached out to me. I think you had heard me on the I was a teenage fundamentalist podcast and I told a bit of my story. And it sounds like it touched a chord for you. And you reached out.

Stephanie  2:25  
Yes. And at that point, I started listening to your very first podcasts and it. I mean, I listened to a lot of podcasts. And I listened to a lot of nonbeliever podcasts, and this one has just really aligned best with my way of looking at things.

David Ames  2:47  
That's awesome. Thank you. Yeah. I cringed a little bit when people start with the first ones. The first ones were ROVs

Stephanie  2:55  
were but hey, I've gotten I've been kind of kept. Whenever I have spare time I catch up on them. And I'm up to I'm up to like about a year ago, I can see like enormous progress. But heart was always there. And that's what kept me coming back and listening.

David Ames  3:14  
Well, thank thank you for saying that. I do feel that that the core idea of secular grace, the core ideas of caring for each other. And through this process, not having people go through it alone was there from the get go, whether we executed well on it or not. So we're not here to talk about the podcasts. We're here to talk about us. As we as we always do want to hear about your faith tradition, when you were growing up.

Stephanie  3:39  
My faith tradition growing up was a sin was Assemblies of God, just very, very always in the Assemblies of God. My mother literally went into labor as they were heading out the door to go to church where my dad was pastoring

David Ames  3:56  
Okay, okay, so you were a PK as well? Yes,

Stephanie  3:59  
I was, uh, yeah, I was a PK. But I don't have memories of that. Because we left. My father felt a, you know, call to the ministry. And when I was about two and a half years old, my parents moved our family to Brazil. They were Assemblies of God, missionaries there. I'm gonna try to think it's 3040 years, something like that. Oh, okay. Yeah, it was I want to say it was probably 40 years because hey, I was two years old. When it started. My middle brother was already with us. My youngest brother was born in a hospital in the Amazon region of Brazil. So that was a challenge. My parents, we live for a short time in the Amazonian region, but the vast majority of their the time that I grew up was in the southern Part of Brazil which is very urbanized, big city, certainly was not technologically up to the US and had lots of poverty. But it was a very modern city. And in fact, it was probably more of a big it was much bigger city than I've ever lived in and even till now. So it was big city living when people think that you're out in the jungle.

David Ames  5:23  
No, no was that the experience of like the, forgive me if I get the term wrong, but the favelas like the very shanty kind of housing

Stephanie  5:32  
was favelas were just all over? Yeah, it just wherever there was land that nobody was protecting, a shantytown would set up. And that was part of life, if there were floods, the favelas were getting washed away. And I didn't really even understand that. And I also, even though my parents in the US lived a very meager lifestyle. I mean, missionary work doesn't pay well, in Brazil, because of the way that just what you can buy. With more with less money. We were considered upper middle class, we were we were way wealthier in Brazil than we were in the US making the same amount of money. And therefore we had a lot of luxuries that we didn't have in the US. We had a maid who worked like, I don't know, 50 hours a week, and we paid her better than any of the other maids. But we still didn't pay her a lot. Yeah. And she lived in one of the shanty towns close to our house. That was generally kind of how it was those were the folks who wanted to come work for us. So my faith tradition was assemblies to God, we were. We were braised Assemblies of God, I had a salvation experience when I was six. for what that's worth, yeah,

David Ames  6:57  
okay. Yeah, deep sinner at that time. Yeah.

Stephanie  7:03  
I knew that it was very important. My parents who made it very clear that this was important, but they are really wonderful people, they really, were never going to be like, on my case, to do all the things that needed to be done. They really thought that it needed to be something that you wanted to do. So I give them great credit for that. As I grew up in Okay, so the missionary thing works different with different denominations. The one that we were with you were generally in your country of ministry for four years, and then back in the US for one year to visit all the churches touch base, tell them what you're doing and pass out those pledge cards. Yeah. Which was a lot times the child's duty, the children's pledge cards and stamped nicely at the front,

David Ames  7:53  
just to jump in here. I don't think most people understand that. People who haven't done missionary work themselves that missionaries have to raise their entire salary themselves. And so it's like a politician, you have to, you have to raise your own money in order to go to the country. And that can be super challenging.

Stephanie  8:13  
Well, that's for some of the missionaries, not those lazy Baptists. I say this very tongue in cheek, but the Baptist some and I don't know which set of Baptists because there's so many flavors, but in general, they have like a missionary fund that everyone contributes to and then I mean, it sounds really communist, I think, yeah. So yeah, but the Assemblies of God made you raise your funds individually, and you could not go back to the field if you had not hit your goals, and made your budget, which is wise. Because plenty of other people that are at the Assemblies of God mission is very well run. It's a very organized, we got to see lots of bad from other missionaries with a bigger denominations. And that's it's a really well organized mission organization. But we would come back to the US we tended to live in the southeast

it was around, oh, when was it? 1112 years old, that I had a big praying through at the Michigan School of missions that we would go to holy hill of Springfield, Missouri, and I received the baptism in the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues. I wasn't even going to say anything to my parents, but my brother's ratted me out. I just it was a very personal thing. And our parents just were very respectful that yes, we had nightly devotions we do I had intense religious instruction from them, they they did all these things, but they did not push these items. I never had pressure from them to do any of these things.

David Ames  10:13  
And just a real quick question was did that feel real internally to you that felt like,

Stephanie  10:18  
I always have experienced strong emotions in when I was participating in any of these very charismatic services, a lot of crying, a lot of emotion. But I don't I'm not one of those people who really felt like I was talking to God. He was talking to me, I was reaching desperately to feel that and I believed other people were feeling it. I believe that what they they felt something I couldn't. I couldn't tell you that it was something for me. But I also knew I really needed to do this. My parents particular belief was that you needed to be saved. Baptism in the Holy Spirit and water were optional, but very, very good options. Very strongly recommended options.

David Ames  11:12  
Yes, for the listener, who may not have grown up in the Assemblies of God, like it really is. You're kind of a second class citizen. If you if you don't speak in tongues. Yeah,

Stephanie  11:22  
yeah. I mean, they need to at least Yeah, you need to, as far as like, the experience of glossolalia. As I came to find out it is later. I don't believe I was making it up. But I do believe that it was a psychological reaction, a kind of group. Think type thing. Because I never experienced some people do experience it when they're not in groups. I did not. That was not my normal prayer. preteen, I wasn't good at that. I tried to follow a lot of routines of developing my spiritual life, my my relationship with Christ, I was very good at doing all the things I needed to do. I would read the scriptures, I would pray on a very regular basis, even when I didn't want to, because I knew I needed to, because I had a severe fear of hell. Okay, theory severe fear of hell. And as you know, with the Assemblies of God, they, I was jealous of the Baptist because they had that thing called eternal salvation. That once you saved you were always saved. I came to find out that that's a little bit nuanced man to understand. But I, you know, there was, there were people that were getting rededicated to Christ all the time, because they had fallen away. And you know, what, if the rapture happened, they were getting left. And so anytime my mind would be wandering, and I wasn't really good with my relationship with Christ, I would be terrified. I would cry to God to please save me. Forgive me for my sins. Yeah. I literally used to have a thing as I'm sitting on a plane taking off, because you, some people do have existential moments then. And I'm like, Okay, no, this is a good time to make sure I'm good with God. Salvation back, just in case, we're not good god checking in, forgive me my sins in case we go down.

David Ames  13:27  
It really does. Like, with hindsight, you realize that it is fear based, that it's driven by fear. And that's not really a great way to live.

Stephanie  13:38  
No. And so I started struggling with really severe anxiety in my middle teens. I believe it was somewhat prompted by the thought that I was finishing my coursework pretty early, which was in the accelerated Christian education system, which is a whole different topic that I can't even get into. But, yeah, it's on par with Abeka. If that's all you're very, very conservative Christian curriculum with extremely slanted Christian nationalist views, didn't know that that was a thing. But yes, it was there. And I was going to leave my parents and I was going to have to go back to the US because it wasn't really a thing that you stayed in the country with your parents.

I really relied on them to feel okay with God. And I was starting to have a lot of doubts. And I have really struggled to try to think what started these doubts. When did they start because they did? Definitely, were not always with me. I was a very solid believer as a child as a young teen. And I did actually hear somebody speaking on your podcast. stuff about the ancient Oh Akkadian gods or something. And one of them was L and I'm like, oh, you know what? When I was in my mid teens, I was a vigorous book reader. I was reading a James Michener book. Yes, I loved those things. Called the source and it was about you know, if you know, James Mitchell, he does vast historic fiction covering decades, if not centuries, and this book covered the the beginnings of even I think it had like prehistoric humans, like non human human creatures. And it covered like the first people who started to realize religion and one tribe meeting another tribe, and the one tribe believed in this spiritual B, they call it L. And how this woman brought the belief of God and I kind of wonder if that didn't start to make me think like, wait. Yeah, yeah. I don't know I now looking back, because the time was pretty coincidental that it would have been around that time that that would have been the probably the first time I would have ever encountered any kind of literature that would have caused any doubt because I was very sheltered. I read only the things that I was doing. And James Michener is good, you know, all these books. So I wonder if that had something to

David Ames  16:32  
do with it. So I read all kinds of secular stuff. So I read a lot of fantasy novels and science fiction novels. It It amazes me now in hindsight how almost all of that genre, or those genres have elements of critique of religion, that I was somehow I have this deep in the bubble, I was I was somehow able to say, well, that's not that's not what I've my relationship with God. And I was able to just push it off to the side and ignore. And you know, now with hindsight, it's like, wow, that was just a major theme and all of that literature.

Stephanie  17:04  
Yes, I need to get into some of those. Because yes, it is. And I became very good at eventually locking down those bad thoughts. Because it led to pathological paralyzing anxiety. I could not, couldn't function. I couldn't go to school. I couldn't do anything except cry. I mean, it was really like at night when things would quiet and the thoughts would crowd in. And I was most terrified of going to hell, because if you don't believe in God, you're going to hell, the hell belief. It's a it's a sticky one. Yeah, it doesn't. You know, and I, there was a lot of me that believed I should believe in God. But I was struggling, I wouldn't say I lost my belief in God. At that time, I was just wracked with doubts, right? Yeah. And that kind of persisted. Until I was probably 16, my youngest brother had a very bad health scare. He had a rice syndrome. And he was he was bad off. And I saw my parents really struggling with that. I mean, they, they were, I mean, as you might imagine, they're in a foreign country, and their child is having a severe health crisis. And so he did pull through that, and I'm just like, I, I gotta get my stuff together. I can't, I can't. And I know that my anxiety and psychological condition was distressing my parents intensely. And they were thinking about having to leave Brazil and not come back until I was fixed or whatever. And I did share with my mother that I was having doubts about God. And she took it pretty well, because it wasn't like I said, I don't write. Anyway, we, I just decided, You know what? I'm done with the doubts, I believe, and any thoughts that rise up in your head. I've never been good at meditation, but it's almost like what they tell you about meditation about like, kill that thought. That blocked focus, kill that thought focus. I was able to do that. For a long time. I was able to pull through that and graduate from high school and then yes, then my parents left me and they left me in the US as an 18 year old who was really probably not ready for that. But

David Ames  19:42  
can I ask it what you know? If you grew up in your teen years in Brazil, was their culture shock coming back to the US?

Stephanie  19:50  
Ah, that is probably the one thing that I do. I am a little bit upset with my parents because they thought All the other missionary I don't think they realized how big of a deal that is. You can't raise a child in one culture and expect to drop them off in another culture and be okay. Yeah, it's, it's, uh, I mean, now with all that I know about, you know, development, child development, mental development, the contact I have with, with psychology that's just that you can't do that to a child. Not on it not expect big problems. But I pulled through it. I did have to go live with my aunt. Oh, yes. So I tried to attend the southeastern Assemblies of God college. I think it's a university now. But whatever, that last year.

David Ames  20:45  
That sounds familiar. Yeah. And then now my university no longer exists.

Stephanie  20:51  
That lasted a whole two weeks before I started having panic attacks. And just needed to go somewhere where I had support and I landed with my favorite aunt. And I mean that completely my mother sister who took me in and took an extra child and to take care of, and I lived in a closet in her her kids play room. And that was that was good. That was good. I had support. I had someone who loved me and could just provide a it was still extremely hard. It was extremely hard. I was trying to go to college, I was somewhat succeeding. I was poor. I was very faithful in a local Assemblies of God church. I was, in fact, I drew incredible strength from that. I I heard somebody talking recently, and they're like, and man, I was at the church to three times a week and I'm like, slacker. God. That's not enough. Sunday, twice on Sunday. And then Tuesday, youth service, then Wednesday prayer service. And then hopefully, there's a Friday get together small groups. So that was my level of need that could I you know, I don't I didn't know what I was doing. But I was seeking that community support to cure rounded. And it helped. It helped me It helped me have a community that I needed. I had lost all my other community.

David Ames  22:29  
Exactly. You're literally alone. You know, I know your aunt supporting you. But yeah, you have no community. And so obviously would reach out for for that. And there it is on a plate.

Stephanie  22:39  
Yeah, there it is on a plate. And you know, they were good people. And I had a lot of social capital as a missionary kid. Okay. That was worth a lot. I mean, missionary kids aren't known as screw ups. They're known as like, really good kids. And I was I was a really good kid. And I was well accepted. There. But that was I remember one time my car broke down. I was in the middle of nowhere, not anything bad. And I had the phone number for the pastor of this church. And I called him at 11 o'clock at night, and he came and picked me up and took home and ask zero questions, then, I mean, that's that I had support. I had support. I was attending college, I felt like I might want to do nursing, because that was a degree that I could get in a couple of years, and I had an interest in medicine.

Nursing turned out to be a really good fit for me. I got my associate degree there, you can enter nursing with an associate degree. I worked at the local hospital. I did well in that as time passed. So now I'm in my early 20s, I started looking back I probably had more community developing with my work friends, and I started pulling away from church. Also because night shift work does not Yeah, Night Shift and weekend work does not always match well with the with the hospital job. So I wasn't out of the church, but I was I was not attending four or five times a week. I was maybe going to Sundays a week, a month, two Sundays a month, which is terrible by my previous standards.

David Ames  24:39  
Yeah. And you're not getting that reinforcement. So we talk a lot about the need for that reinforcement for it to work.

Stephanie  24:47  
Absolutely because I feel like I had one of the slowest deconstructions ever, okay. And I would not say that I was having any knew doubts about God at this point I still was I was very firm in my belief and I was not readdressing them. I got a little bit adventurous felt like I might want to date or whatever. took up travel nurse jobs and wound up in Texas and found a man and married him. I know that's a lot. happened like that. Yeah. Okay. And almost that fast. And yet, we're still married 20, almost 25 years.

David Ames  25:31  
Congratulations. Yeah, let's go. Yeah, yeah.

Stephanie  25:36  
So when I came to when I met the husband, Patrick, I was I convinced myself that he was a good Christian who had struggled with his faith in the past. And I completely do not put any fault on him for miscommunicating that you hear what you want to hear? Yeah, I heard he went to a Christian university. I heard he wanted to be a missionary when he was young. I heard he led all these different ministries with his parents. I heard that he had some doubts after his father died. But you know, he worked through them. And he spoke Christianese.

David Ames  26:17  
It was, yeah.

Stephanie  26:19  
It wasn't until we had been married, I think two solid years that he said, No, I am really not sure there is a God. And that that devastated me. But I, I was just convinced that he was a Christian. Now we weren't churchgoers. We had looked at churches, we had tried different churches. He grew up Church of Christ, they're not really into the super charismatic stuff. And so we would try different places. We really liked the Liturgy of the Presbyterian churches, that was nice, but nothing, never. We just never hit with a place. And so we're just kind of out of church. And he also decided to get a degree in nursing. And we we know that you get paid and paid best when you work nights and weekends. That did not match well with going to church.

David Ames  27:20  
And you do what you have to do, right? Yeah.

Stephanie  27:22  
I mean, yes, it did pay well, and we weren't that dedicated to. I was still very much believing I was a Christian. I would still every few months have the panic moments of God, I'm so sorry for my sins, please. Re up my salvation. Please. i It wasn't really until I went back to school when I was pretty much 40 years old to get my bachelor's degree, and they required a whole bunch of liberal arts degree or liberal arts courses, including a world religions course. Which is astounding when you start doing that. But as a preamble to that I had read a book just for my own entertainment. The Infidel by il en Hirsi Ali. That's her. And she gives an excellent account. I know that she you know, today has some issues that whatever her book was very good for me. Yeah, yeah, he gave a very detailed account of how she became a very dedicated, fundamentalist Muslim, and her personal journey, becoming close to God Allah and it was identical to what we Christians are supposed to do and very confusing to me. It really planted a deep seed. I don't think I came out of that. But I came out of that book with like, wait a minute, I need to look at some things you can't develop a close relationship with the wrong god. Not possible. That's something something some part of this equation is wrong. And I don't know maybe, you know, maybe we're worshipping the same God. But then how is she doing it wrong the whole time. And yet she's developing this close personal relationship with the right God I took there was too many questions. Yeah. And I that bat put a severe blow on my faith but it also been a long time so I wasn't that close to the church. So this wasn't so like personally traumatizing okay, because I had the distance at this point to be okay with it. I was in a safe place. My husband was not a believer.

David Ames  30:00  
All right, you had rooms in question further if you needed to.

Stephanie  30:03  
Right, so and so then I take the world religions course. And I'm just like, Okay, everybody, the big thing that I got out of that is no, no, no, the Buddhists really aren't trying to be evil, that people who have their elder based worships, they're really trying to do all the same good things that Christians are trying to do. You mean, we're all just trying to be good. I don't understand this, because it was pretty inherent in my religious education that all these other people are just demonic and evil. And they they want to do bad. In Brazil, there's a strong spiritist movement, which is a it's a religion that has risen from the tribal religions of Africa along with some kind of 19th century spiritualist beliefs. And you know, what I come to find out later, they're really just trying to get close to their ancestors in a series of gods, but to us, all they did was get together and invite demons to possess them. And it's just a whole different perspective that No, no, we're all just trying to get to be good.

And then I had to take ethics, okay, which was a whole review of different philosophies so that you could understand where ethics arose. And it was just shocking that all these ancient Greeks were thinking about such serious things. And I have never, I've never been introduced to that in my AC e curriculum for are not going to talk about anything outside of the Bible, or people who specifically addressed the Bible. So it was it was mind blowing to, to have that thought about what is good. And I'm like, but good is God. Yeah, yeah. And it's like, no, no, but why is God good? Is he is good. Is God good? Because he has to comply with some good ethic that existed prior to him overs God, good, because what he says is good is good. And that was a mind blowing thought. I mean, literally felt my brain kind of exploded inside my head. I'm not joking. I had a physical sensation,

David Ames  32:47  
I believe here. Yeah, that is, that's quite a quite a moment.

Stephanie  32:51  
And at this point, I've kind of abandoned the God of the Bible. And I'm just holding on to some deistic belief of some sort, not not even like a liberal, I had a super quick, liberal Christianity phase like it didn't it didn't materialize to anything. And then my husband starts playing Bart Ehrman videos, and that that's probably what did in all the God of the Bible, because, you know, it's one thing if you get raised in a church with pretty easygoing views on the internet and the inerrancy of the Bible, if you don't hold to that very strongly, then you can hold on to your Christian beliefs much longer, in my opinion. I agree. Yeah. If you are raised that the Bible is an error, we still don't stand on it firmly. And then you provide all this evidence that will but it's just not.

David Ames  33:53  
It's demonstrably not. Yes. It's,

Stephanie  33:55  
it's not even like up to for debate with anybody who's done any kind of minimal study. Well, then it just kind of all tumbles in on itself. Because I, I built my belief on the inerrancy of the Bible, and that it was accurate and historically accurate. So that that was a big thing. But I still wasn't like really sure about all the evolution stuff and all the age of the Earth things. And there are a few more documentaries and one boring documentary about the layers of silt in the ocean that just clearly demonstrate the age of the Earth and the progression of creatures that get deposited and I'm like, Okay, now it's over. I don't believe I don't believe any of it. And it was just a quiet moment inside my head with no fanfare, no tears, no nothing. Just don't get out. No, none of that. None of that. I mean, I can hold out the possibility of there being some sort of entity out there that may or may not have sparked everything, but I don't see any evidence for it. And I'm not wasting mental energy on it. It's not important to me, I don't. And I don't I had, so I was probably around 42 Or three. In fact, I just found a Facebook look back post from 2012, where I had just passed my ethics exam. Okay. And that was like, Okay, that was right at the beginning of the end. And within about a year, it was over. And it was all over. I had no more. No more supernatural beliefs. I I had finished by 2013, I had finished my bachelor's in nursing. I fell in love with research. Love it. That's apparently a weird thing for nursing, I felt compelled and encouraged by my wonderful husband to pursue a PhD in nursing so that I could do research. Yeah, that was a long, hard battle. If you get a legitimate PhD, in Obi Wan. It's it. It's hard. Anyway, I defended back in 2019. And then last fall, I finally managed to get a position as a nurse scientists where I helped design studies help other nurses put studies together, help them look for evidence, help them critically evaluate the evidence, I love my job, I can think of nothing better than I could do.

I will bring up the I got to change bosses when I come to the new job. And she has been an amazing boss. Heavily demonstrated by the fact that right after I got hired on I got a call. So September, I started the new job. November I get a call from my our text from my sister in law who lives in the town where my parents live and saying your dad's taken a turn for the worse. Dad had been suffering with vascular dementia for two or three years, not very long. Apparently, it's a very rapidly progressing form of dementia, which I had witnessed. And it was so fast for what I have been able to see as a nurse over the years. So I got a call, he's taken a turn for the worse his hospice nurses worried that it may be today. And I'm like, Okay, I'm coming. And I booked my plane ticket, right there. And then I notified my manager who said, Go, Go be with your family. Don't worry about it. Do not worry about it. She was amazing. That's not the attitude that most bedside nurses get exposed to. They're like who's going to cover your shift?

David Ames  38:10  
Right, right.

Stephanie  38:13  
I recognized how valuable that was. And I arrived on a Tuesday and that had rallied just a little bit. But he wasn't really able to speak. And I knew that he was close. He had been kind of sick for two weeks. But he can't be as debilitated as he was in come through. Even like I think he had a mild viral something and it triggered one more stroke, because he would have strokes off and on. And then he just couldn't. He couldn't swallow and he was struggling to breathe. Anyway, I spent. So I arrived Tuesday and Friday afternoon, I saw very serious signs. Before I get there, I still am not out to my family directly. I have I have shared with my middle brother that I consider myself closest with him. That I mean, we share my husband and I shared that we went to like American Atheist convention. I think we didn't have to come out and say, Hey, we don't believe in God. I think that was pretty clear. You know, and me participating and talking about the things we were there doing. But I never revealed any of that to my parents. And I don't want to hurt them. Yeah, I don't want to hurt them. And my father by the time I was kind of really realizing my lack of belief. He was already suffering from dementia and I just don't know how much I don't want his just couldn't burden him.

David Ames  39:55  
It's definitely I don't know how much of my story you know as well but I have this Same experience, I lost my mom about a year after my deconversion. And I was unable to tell her there just wasn't the right moment. It didn't happen. You know, I sense that it would have done more harm than good for her. Right? And when you actually care about the other person and sometimes unburdening yourself isn't the right move. And like, there's nothing to feel guilty about. There's what I'm saying. So,

Stephanie  40:23  
no, I don't feel guilty, I feel like I did the right thing. I feel like I do have that strong. I did, as time passed after my end of my Christianity, I don't even know if I would call it a deconversion. It was a very slow death. I do have a personal ethic. And I do identify as a humanist. Not only that, but I don't think that I was a Christian humanist, I don't think I was a good humanist. My beliefs were very driven by extreme right wing politics, I was very judgmental, I was very black and white, I did not accept Shades of Grey, I wasn't that nice of a person, I don't think I have moderated that and tried to look at people as individuals who have their quirks and bumps, and are still people who need help. So as I, so I did start identifying as humanist, we actually, I think I am currently a member of American Humanist Association, we went to a few meetings in our area, didn't really bond with the folks there, they were a bit older than us. And then the pandemic hit, of course, so that kind of, I don't think we've gone back since then.

Wanted to navigate this time with my family in a caring way. I mean, who does it but I was trying to be very balanced between accepting all their needs to be very Christian and very event, evangelical during this, my father's dying process. And knowing that there's, there's no need to even get into this. And part of that is going to be me participating in some of these things. So as I'm sitting there, helping mom educating her on what I'm seeing as the dying process, I, you know, would give different advice on nursing care, she'd derive great comfort from me being there and having some enhanced knowledge. As the last moments approached, I saw signs of impending death. And I I gathered the family and said, I think this is it. I think he's, I think he's at the very end. So right now, just talk to him. I mean, they had been doing so all along. Sure. I said, you know, whatever, whatever you think would make him happy do that. And my aunt and Mother start seeing singing old gospel classics, and, you know, in nice harmony, which they were two little PK, so they tell you that and we're all joining in, there's prayers going up, but there's mostly just singing and telling stories. And they, you know, don't you think dad's going to be thrilled to go up and hug Cassie? who passed away two or three years? Isn't that wonderful? He always loved her and I'm just participating in the Congress. I'm not what why am I gonna like rain on this parade this? I don't have anything. I'm going to go Yes. Like, He'll be so happy. Not because I'm trying to be deceitful because I'm trying to comply, provide comfort and be in the moment with everybody. And it truly even though it was very sad. I truly don't believe my father was suffering any. And I truly believe that. That's the way I would want to

David Ames  44:23  
go. I surrounded by your loved ones. Absolutely. Yeah.

Stephanie  44:27  
And I told them that I said it when it's my time to go. I want to be surrounded by all my family who loves me the most singing to me telling me what great stories. Yeah, there are really good deaths, but they're better deaths. And I think he had a pretty good one.

David Ames  44:47  
And I think you played a major role in that. Like, you know, just being there comforting mom, you know, having some real practical advice. Yeah. First of all, I'm very, very sorry for your loss. I know and how devastating that is. I know that you mentioned Off mic that you just heard the episode where I talked about my my father in law and I had with not as intensely attached because it was a father in law. I loved him dearly, but But obviously, I don't want to compare in that way. But like having the sense of being there for the family, allowing them to express their faith in the way that they did. And just being supportive, like physically helping us where I could that kind of thing. And, like you say, Man, that is, you want to be surrounded by the people that you love when you're when your time?

Stephanie  45:36  
No, that's we have not found out how to make death optional at this point. And so I'm very pragmatic. When and if it's my time to go, I want it to be as free of pain as possible. Don't be surrounded by my family love, and you may, yeah, yeah. And we had excellent hospice care. They this this one hospice nurse, he was kind of hilarious. Well, he was a Yankee. So first of all, and he had a tough, crunchy outer layer. But when it was time, he was the most supportive person possible. And he would speak to my mother at the appropriate level, very frank, honest, but on a layman's terms, and when I told him my experience in nursing, he spoke to me in very precise medical terms. And we collaborated very thoroughly on his end of life care on dosing him with morphine and him giving me some safe parameters to raise his dose or hold off or whatever. And whatever decision we made. We were supported. And so I couldn't ask for more from the hospice staff. They were amazing. But I really felt that I was able to be a support to them. And I mean, they said that, and then that goes further, because I actually my husband, one, he's had multiple previous careers, and one of them was a funeral director. I know a little bit about the funeral business, and the psychology of funerals. And you know, the important thing is that funerals are about the people that are here.

David Ames  47:33  

Stephanie  47:34  
Yes. They say that in a completely Christian environment. Yeah, yeah. Because that's who's paying their bills. And so I recognize that as mom plan, dad's funeral, this funeral is for her, right. And it's going to make her happy to do what she believes he would have liked. But it's for her. It's for her, and it's for my brothers. And it's for me, and my dad loved him some old fashioned hymns and church camp songs. And so we came up with a list of songs. And they planned that his service would be truly a celebration of life, with mostly concentrated on singing, all his favorite songs. And they tried, they called one of the older men who hadn't been up in pulpit doing music ministry, and forever, because he would do it very old fashioned. They, they called all the old choir members, because this church is trying to modernize and they've gotten rid of the choir. So I mean, I don't care. Yeah. Anyway, they did all the multipart singing, and I got up in there, and I sang all those songs. I think that's participated. Because to me, that was my way of paying tribute to my family. And I hope that they don't misinterpret that I have actually thought a lot. When my father started showing signs that he was going to deteriorate in a matter of a couple of years rather than decades. I kind of started thinking, if I don't ever think I would come out to my father and tell him that I believe in your God. I can see that happening with my mother for many reasons. She's, she's very, very fundamentalist and her beliefs, but they actually raised us, telling us that we were always allowed to ask questions. And we were always allowed to respectfully address anything that we wanted to and I'm sorry, but I listened to that. And that's where I wound up was questioning everything. But I could see myself talking to her about this one day it wouldn't be right away. Sure. She's grieving me But if it ever came up, I would be comfortable sharing that with her. I think it would break her heart. So I'm probably not going to be the one who goes there. But if it gets brought up to her, that's okay. Anyway, I, I think that the process of my father dying was much easier for me to navigate than it would have been otherwise, because I chose to take a hand and being his caregiver. And that may have been a defense mechanism. I don't know. But it felt natural. And it was appreciated.

David Ames  50:50  
Well, and I think a couple of things, the participating, then physically participating, it's why why ritual is still important, right, right, is a part of the grieving process. And so being a part of that the before, the, during the after, is a part of that grieving process. And, and I think one of the great ironies of deconversion is that we actually get to grieve, we don't have to say to ourselves, well, they're in a different place, and better, right, we can just mourn the loss of that person and celebrate their life. And, and there's something much healthier about that as a grieving process than then pretending that they're still still with us somehow.

Stephanie  51:30  
I mean, I feel that is such a huge difference. Because it changes the way that my husband and I relate to each other, we choose to do things that make us happy. And we don't like, back when I was a, I was a non humanist Christian, I would just decide to be mad and not talk to him for a while. And now I look at that and go, that is a week of our tiny little time and a half together, that has been just, I just decided not to take it. That's stupid. You know, and not that I'm not going to be mad if I need to be, I'm going to deal with it. Because that is just stupid. We only get a blip of life. The ones who live to be 90 years old, we only get a blip of light. And I want to, I want to fully experience that. And because I do feel committed to humanist principles. Part of that is my nursing profession. I want to pass joy to as many people one of the big things I do in my job now is sitting down with nurses who want to fight want to look at doing a research study or want to look at doing an evidence based practice project. They're terrified of the process. And a, I understand. Yeah, I used to be there and be come sit with me, and I'm gonna, I'm gonna take this beer out. If it's the only thing I do today, I want to take the fear of this away from you. Because I've got you, and you can do this.

David Ames  53:22  
That's amazing. Like, I think, you know, mentoring, especially in your expertise is such a valuable thing. You're passing on knowledge you're supporting and enabling their success, and then what they do that affects people's lives literally physically. So that's a profound piece of work you're doing.

Stephanie  53:42  
Yeah, I had some fears. When I was leaving the bedside nursing job. I worked in the NICU. That's very gratifying. We, I've worked with the majority of the babies I worked with were on their way to recovery. And it was a very gratifying work. And you do get at you know, you can get into a whole debate about altruism. Is there any true altruism, I kind of don't believe there's true altruism, I think we all do good things, even if it's to make ourselves feel good. And that's probably why I did a lot of the things in nursing that I did is it's so gratifying and instant reward. And I'm worried about moving into a role like this. I'm moving away from the bedside and I'm not going to be sitting there making the babies happy again. Am I going to because I know that that's important to my ego, to my you know, that Freudian type of ego and I have been so rewarded. Working in this role. I get that interpersonal reward from working with the nurses and working with other people in the departments but I I truly see that and I see the fear melt away. I mean, I've had a lady in here Monday, that was like almost paralyzed. But she had a project she really felt strongly about, like, Tell me more. Oh, this is cool.

David Ames  55:16  
That's awesome. Yeah, that's fantastic.

Stephanie  55:19  
That that is very rewarding to me. I look forward to a long career doing this, but hasn't been made. So

David Ames  55:27  
well. Definitely you have the my vote for humanist of the year I think that got some incredible work that you're doing. I loved your story. I think the element of just the evidence piling up and just being willing to accept that even down to you know, a documentary about the sediment, right, like just being able to let that absorb and get past the protections and is so profound, and I think many many people are going to hear their themselves in your story. So thank you so much for telling your story on the podcast.

Stephanie  56:00  
Well, thank you for having me.

David Ames  56:07  
final thoughts on the episode. Stephanie found this podcast by hearing me on sister podcast, I was a teenage fundamentalist. What all of us have in common is the Assemblies of God and a Pentecostal background. What makes me slightly different is that I didn't grow up with that. I became a Christian in my teenage years, and thus avoided some of the things that Stephanie describes in this episode. That real honest fear of hell, and hell, anxiety and that lingering in her words, she says, The hell belief is a sticky one, that was a struggle for her to get over. I really love Stephanie story that a nature show talking about silt layers, and the obvious implications for the age of the Earth, began her deconstruction. Stephanie clearly has a scientific mind. She loved doing nursing, but then continued on in her education, getting a PhD and becoming a nurse scientist, where she supports other nurses. That inquisitive mind, I think, was always working and maybe doubting her story is not unfamiliar that she was doubling down and forcing herself to believe and ignoring her doubts through most of her life. I love her description of her deconversion she says it's over. I don't believe I don't believe any of it. It was just a quiet moment inside my head with no fanfare, no tears, no nothing. It can be that simple. I'm so glad that now Stephanie has the freedom to love people that prior to her deconversion she was more judgmental. And that's all part of being within the bubble of Christianity. Stephanie's heart comes through here in this interview that she actually really cares about people going into the nursing profession and and now as a nurse scientists supporting nurses, you can hear how much she cares about people. And I am so glad that the concepts of secular grace and humanism are now meaningful for Stephanie, as she can embrace the people around her and love them without hesitation. I want to thank Stephanie for being on the podcast for being so honest and vulnerable for telling her story. Thank you so much, Stephanie, for being on the podcast. The secular great start of the week is the freedom to love people. We say this all the time. But one of the great ironies of deconversion and deconstruction is being released from the feeling of obligation or the perception of obligation to be judgemental to hold some imagined moral line, such that we held people at bay, we held people away from us, and we mark them as others, all the while as Christian saying that we loved people, and that God loved him. This side of deconversion, you begin to recognize how judgmental we have been, we have to have a bit of grace with ourselves as well and not to beat ourselves up about that. But the exciting part is then the ability to just embrace the humanity and others. And ultimately, I think this is what humanism is, this is what the acknowledgment of human rights is, is the Express statement that all human beings have value, that we assert it so that we recognize that everyone is worthy of love and respect and acceptance. And we don't need to play mental gymnastics to say that we hate the sin but love the sinner. We can just love people and people are complicated, but that's okay. This is the core idea of secular grace that we embrace. As our humanity so that we can embrace the humanity and others and that we can truly love them. We've got some wonderful interviews coming up. Up next is our Lean interviewing cat. After that, I interviewed Joanna Johnson, who's written a book called silenced in Eden, and many more lined up after that. Until then, my name is David, and I am trying to be the graceful atheist. Join me and be graceful human beings. The beat is called waves by Mackay beads. Do you want to get in touch with me to be a guest on the show? Email me at graceful for blog posts, quotes, recommendations and full episode transcripts head over to graceful This graceful atheist podcast a part of the atheists United studios Podcast Network

Transcribed by

Jack: Emily’s Story

Atheism, Deconversion, Podcast, Podcasters, Religious Trauma, Secular Grace, secular grief
Emily, Jack and Duncan

Content Warning: graphic wound details, surgical processes, PTSD, emotional trauma, religious trauma and dark humor.

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This week’s guest is Jack Robertson. Jack is a returning guest and an integral part of the Deconversion Anonymous Facebook group. Earlier this year, Jack’s youngest daughter, Emily, was in an accident, suffering severe burns on her body.

Jack explains how his online community and IRL friends stepped in to support his family but also recounts the platitudes and clichés given by the Christians in their lives. 

Emily’s clearheadedness, dark sense of humor and incredible resilience has brought her a long way in the healing process—mentally, physically and emotionally. Jack and the rest of their family are also healing in their own ways, supporting one another and seeking professional help. 

We are Human. We are social beings whose needs are not met by “a guy in the sky.” Our needs are met through our relationships with one another, especially those who are closest to us. 


“It is heart wrenching to see someone you love go through that much pain…[and] there’s not anything else that you can do, other than hold their hand.”

“Do NOT, while people are still in ICU or a burn unit…message them and say, ‘You know? God only gives you what you can handle.’” 

“If I have to be caught on fire, so you can look super to heal me, I want nothing to do with you.” —Emily

“You’re going to have to talk to a professional…You can get through it, no matter how difficult it seems in that moment…”

“You don’t need the clutching of a Bible or a rosary. You don’t need that. You and your family are what are going to get you through it. Not some guy in the sky…Talk to a professional.”

“I’m going to make the fire my Bitch.”—Emily


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Jack’s Deconversion episode

Kenyetta and Jack Save the World
Graceful Atheist on Kenetta and Jack Save the World

Musings of an ADD Mind


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“Waves” track written and produced by Makaih Beats

Shannon: Deconversion Anonymous

Agnosticism, Atheism, Comedy, Deconversion, Deconversion Anonymous, ExVangelical, Podcast, secular grief, Thought Experiments
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This week’s show is a Deconversion Anonymous episode.

This week’s guest is Shannon. Shannon’ story delves into the emotional experience of deconversion. Shannon grew up in an Independent Fundamental Baptist church, where the teachings were pernicious.

“It’s like ‘Love Jesus. Love God. And be afraid of demons, ‘cause they’re everywhere and they’re going to get you!’”

As a teen and into adulthood, Shannon knew her own beliefs and convictions did not always align with her church or family. She tried to be who they wanted her to be, but her decisions were never quite enough for them. 

“…showed me that no matter what I give, there will always be one step further. It’s just not good enough.”

Over the years, she slowly, like “mental velcro,” ripped out the only beliefs she had known. Where her family couldn’t hold space for her questions, her husband could. It was a hard journey, but she wasn’t on it alone.

“From, mentally saying, ‘This isn’t real. I think I’m done’ to being done? It was torture.”

Today, Shannon misses the certainty she used to have, the path laid out in front of her with easy answers. But she is able to see the world with new eyes—the glory and majesty of nature, the wonders of scientific inquiry. It has changed her for the better, and she isn’t looking back. 

“To me? [Evolutionary change] is magic.”


Thought Experiments For Believers

Deconversion How To

Review of Hell is the Absence of God


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Secular Grace

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“Waves” track written and produced by Makaih Beats

April Ajoy: Evangelicalish

Comedy, Deconstruction, ExVangelical, Podcast, secular grief, YouTubers
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This week’s guest is April Ajoy, viral Tiktok’r, youTuber and podcaster. She is a “recovering conservative humorously detoxing religion.”

April had a unique childhood. She was homeschooled and spent half of each year in Pentacostal spaces and the other half traveling with her family, singing and evangelizing.

Her parents were evangelists and her grandfather was a pastor of a megachurch, so even as a young person April saw cracks in the traditions and beliefs. She didn’t see them as systemic, though, only random, separate incidents.

“[I was taught] don’t ask too many questions because if you ask too many questions, one day you’re going to wake up and become an atheist and go to hell.”

Over the next decade, tragedy hits April’s family and God does not step in to thwart it, a family member comes out to her and she realizes she cannot continue believing much of what white Christianity has painted as “good news”. 

“I found myself not wanting to be around Christians…not being able to know what parts of my Self I could present until I could figure out what kind of Christian I was dealing with.” 

Today, much of April’s childhood beliefs have been dissected and thrown out, but she is loving others in a much deeper way. She still considers herself a Christian and is fighting injustices in her own creative way.

“Humor is how I cope with trauma.”

On social media, April tackles all the difficult subjects—white supremacy, misogyny, purity culture, the absurd things evangelicals post online and more! She brings levity and fun to serious topics in a way that will make you laugh out and that is good medicine. 





Evangelicalish on Youtube


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“Waves” track written and produced by Makaih Beats


NOTE: This transcript is AI produced ( and likely has many mistakes. It is provided as rough guide to the audio conversation.

0:11 Welcome to the show.
2:12 What was the faith tradition that you grew up with?
6:04 Being a pastor’s kid.
10:51 The biggest thing that opened my eyes was my dad’s death.
14:13 What it was like to be an outsider in the Christian world.
20:17 On the day the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage.
25:04 The seeds of deconstruction are within Christianity itself.
27:41 Did you go to assemblies of God schools?
34:01 If you’re a Christian and you don’t like Trump, you get kicked out of the club.
41:10 Is satire intentional? How does it change people’s minds?
44:22 The role of women in the church and gender roles.
50:07 The sexy deconstruction commercial.
55:52 How EvangelicalIsh came to be.
1:00:59 Where can you find April?
1:04:46 How do we know what we know is true?
David Ames  0:11  
This is the graceful atheist podcast. Welcome, welcome. Welcome to the graceful atheist podcast. My name is David, and I am trying to be the graceful atheist. Please consider rating and reviewing the podcast on the Apple podcast store, rate the podcast on Spotify, and subscribe to the podcast wherever you are listening. Please remember that we have the deconversion anonymous Facebook group where people are connecting with one another who are going through deconstruction and deconversion. And we typically have a Tuesday evening discussion of the previous week's podcast so come and join that Special thanks to Mike T for editing today's episode. onto today's show. My guest today is April joy. April has a very large following on Tik Tok and Instagram. She began doing satire videos of evangelical culture and her experiences growing up in evangelical culture and went viral almost immediately. April was the real deal. She was the daughter of an evangelist she traveled around. She sang in many churches with her father. She worked for CBN she went to very conservative colleges. She's a very interesting story of someone who was deep in the evangelical world, and even just a few years ago, would have considered herself an evangelical. Since then she has deconstructed. She is currently the co host of the evangelical ish podcast, and continues to do satirical videos on Tiktok and Instagram. Here is April Ajoy to tell her story.

April Ajoy, welcome to the graceful atheist podcast.

April Ajoy  2:19  
Hi, thanks for having me.

David Ames  2:21  
Hey, we want to give credit to our Arline who is the deconversion anonymous Community Manager for reaching out to you thank you to Arlene for bringing this connection. April, what I've learned about you so far is that you have a pretty large Tiktok and Instagram following you do comedy and satire about growing up evangelical or evangelical culture of today. You're also the co host of evangelical ish. And you guys are how would you guys describe yourself as progressive Christians? Is that what you would say?

April Ajoy  2:47  
Yeah, probably. We're all in kind of different places. And Christian is kind of like a cringe word sometimes. But yeah, I guess if we were putting us in a camp, progressive Christian would probably fit.

David Ames  3:02  
You all are working it out, though. Yeah.

April Ajoy  3:04  
We're working it out. We're on a journey. Yeah.

David Ames  3:07  
So we will talk more about your work the latter half. But I want to begin with your story. And we often begin with what was the faith tradition that you grew up with?

April Ajoy  3:15  
Sure. So I grew up my my parents were evangelists, more Pentecostal, nondenominational. I think my grandfather, who was also a pastor was Assemblies of God. Okay. So we kind of but we left Assemblies of God and had dinner, non denominational churches, but pretty close to Assembly of God.

David Ames  3:41  
That happens to be the tradition that I in my late teens that I converted into, so Ooh,

April Ajoy  3:47  
we probably have some, we probably have some things we could talk about. Um, yeah, so but yeah, Pentecostal, but I had a unique when I say it out loud, it feels weird. But my so my dad was an evangelist, and my mom would seeing like before he would preach in churches all over America and all over the world. So growing up, I was homeschooled for most of it until like random years, like I randomly went to seventh grade public school and high school, on and off, but we would travel in a motorhome. And so we would be visiting a different church, probably for half the year growing up. So I was in like, hundreds of different churches of all types of denominations, which my dad was pretty Pentecostal, but we'd still go to like some Methodist and Baptist churches. So kind of good taste, if at all.

David Ames  4:38  
Can I interject there? And just Yeah, please. So I think that is definitely unique and that many people grew up in a single church. They really have this, not just the monoculture of evangelicalism, but the monoculture of their specific church. Growing up, did you gain some insights that you have some did you notice the differences between the churches as you went from Sunday to Monday.

April Ajoy  5:01  
Yeah, I mean, we would obviously if we're like, oh, we're speaking at a Baptist church this week, because I would sing before my dad would preach to you. We'd like, you know, kind of tone it down a little bit. Like, we knew our audience, right? Um, but yeah, like, I mean, there were like inside jokes of, you know, the you gotta beat the Presbyterians to the restaurant because they get out before the Pentecostals. You know, just like dumb things like that. So yeah, I did notice some differences. And I think having the exposure to so many different denominations, I never, I never fully bought into. Like, we're the only ones that have it. Right. Right. Okay. Like, I believe that we had it right, and that these people had it wrong, but I wasn't as dogmatic about it, like with the different denominations, because I met so many people from different denominations who were nice. Yeah. Um, so yeah. And I don't know, I don't know how far you want me to go. But

David Ames  5:59  
let's, yeah, so you you were traveling with your dad, you would sing before he spoke? Yeah. And you were able to see a lot of different churches.

April Ajoy  6:07  
Yes, it but also so my grandfather was a pastor of a pretty large church in the Dallas, Texas area, in the night in the 80s. And 90s. had about 4000 members, which is pretty big for back then. And so my dad was also the CO pastor. So when we were home, because I'm originally from Dallas, when we were home, my dad would speak at that church. So I also, I was kind of a half pastor's kids. I have like the PK, like, you know, people all up in your business, like experience plus the being in different churches every week. So yeah, fun, fun time.

David Ames  6:42  
I bet. I've had a lot of pastors kids talk about that. Having to hold the family secrets and how pain?

April Ajoy  6:50  
Yes, yes. And I think I think I still deal with that. Sometimes trying trying to unlearn it's just like caring way too much of what other people think. Because so much of being a pat, like a pastor's family is not necessarily doing the right thing, but at least appearing like you're doing the right thing.

David Ames  7:09  
That's wild though.

And then how about like, when you were in your teen years, were you still like, was it first of all, let me ask the question. Was this something that, that you believed yourself? Or was it something that was just passed on to you by your family?

April Ajoy  7:30  
Yeah, I mean, it was passed on, but I definitely believed it. I was full on I was in it. I wanted to pretty much take over my dad's ministry when I grew up and being, you know, felt called to be in full time ministry myself at different times. So yes, I definitely believed it. And then in high school, we had moved to Florida, but we did. This is this is one of my receipts, because now when I speak out against stuff, I get a lot of comments that are like, You were never really a Christian. And so one of my receipts is I'll play me singing an original song that I wrote called America, St. Jesus on the Jim Baker show.

David Ames  8:09  
Okay, yeah, that's

April Ajoy  8:12  
okay. Yeah, here I am. I mean, this is a weird brand of Christian but still Christian. Um, so we did that in high school, my dad wrote a book called America sage Jesus, and was on the Jim Baker show for it. And we did a three month caravan, where we drove a 40 foot bus that had America sage, Jesus written all over it from South Florida to California, and then back and then up to DC. And back. And that was wild, right? Especially when we drove up and down the Las Vegas Strip, like several times, because my dad thought it was funny. In a bus that said, America stage Jesus everywhere. Yeah. So and I remember like, I should have been way more embarrassed than I was, but I was like, 16 min. Like, this is so cool. And normal.

David Ames  8:56  
Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. Yeah, it was not. It was not so cool, ya know? And so, like, at what point do you start to see some cracks?

April Ajoy  9:10  
Yeah, so I think I had seen cracks pretty much my entire life, seeing behind the scenes, seeing, you know, hypocrisy and just people being crappy. And, like, I, I had seen plenty of bad things, but somehow was able to have enough cognitive dissonance to like, somehow separate it from the whole, like, these are just one offs, you know, like, oh, that person just is deceived or being led of Satan. Like, that's not it's not a systemic thing. It's just bad people. You know, like, nobody's perfect. So anytime you have people involved in a church, it's not going to be perfect. So you kind of find ways to justify, like, just seeing bad things happen. So I had like, you know, little questions here or there. But you're kind of you see what happens to other people that really question and then they wait make up an atheist, like I remember, like, this is not this has been said to me many times. I don't know if my family actually but like in Sunday school and stuff, they're like, Don't ask too many questions. Because if you ask too many questions one day, you're gonna wake up and you're gonna be an atheist, you're gonna go to hell, like that quick. So I'm like, oh, okay, I guess I just won't ask these questions. So you just kind of learn to when questions pop up, you just kind of don't think about it. You just move on. Because they demonize people that

David Ames  10:30  
Yes. Like me, you know, that go to? Yes, yes.

April Ajoy  10:34  
Yes, yes. Because no, because obviously, you couldn't come to those conclusions on your own, you have to be led by Satan. And Satan's involved somehow.

So the probably the biggest thing that opened my eyes was my dad when I in 2011. So a little over 10 years ago, got cancer. And when he when we caught it, it was stage four. And I had never really dealt with cancer, like I knew of people that had had cancer, but they were not close to me. So being Pentecostal, we like, just knew that God was going to heal my dad, and it was just not going to be a thing. And he still went through radiation and chemo, but it was so far advanced that he passed within four months of being diagnosed. And there so there were like two things that really woke me up in this scenario, because I think this was by far the biggest change, and then the rest, the rest of things kind of fell into place, like over the next 10 years. But one just wrestling with the question of like, okay, I've been taught, you know, name and and claim it, you know, as long as you have enough faith, God's gonna answer your prayer. And I knew that I had enough faith, like, I was probably living in denial, but I was just like, No, my dad's gonna be healed. So I was wrestling with the fact that, okay, so that's not true. And then to Christians were just really the way that they responded both when my dad had cancer. And then after there were all these Pentecostal ministers that we hadn't heard from in years, suddenly would just like, show up to my dad's hospital room like and like they wanted to have. They wanted to be the ones to get credit for, like saying the quote, unquote, healing prayer. And it just kind of became a little bit of a circus to where we just stopped letting people in. And then we were being blamed for like, being out of God's will, because we wouldn't let these people come in and pray for my dad. And then when my dad died, these people saying like, Oh, well, that's because you didn't let us in. Or because we didn't have enough faith or because my dad was out of God's will, or because there was some unresolved sin in the family that so there were just like, all of these excuses coming from Christians that were really painful, because we were also going through a huge loss. And I don't know, it was just kind of, I saw a dark side of Christianity that was happening, like directly to me and my family, and then people trying to blame me. For my dad's death, oh, my goodness, which I bought in like, different ways of like, oh, maybe it was, like, maybe God was using this to wake me up. And, you know, like, just like, really dark things that are very hard to wrestle with. And so that kind of led to, I immediately started questioning and deconstructing, like, my more Pentecostal beliefs, but I was still very much like, you know, diehard Republican, because in my mind, if you were a Christian, you are a Republican, they went hand in hand. So, so yeah, that was probably the first thing that that started the path. So it was like a theological issue around healing, that kind of jump started the whole thing. And then 10 years later, and now here I am,

David Ames  14:08  
I don't want to make this about me at all. But I just just to say, I just lost my father in law to cancer. It was very similar. We, we found out in November, and we lost them in at late in late January. And of course, of course, I'm not a believer, and I was trying to support my very, very believing family. And the, the observation kind of as an outsider is the hollowness. The platitudes, you know, there is an element of denial, you know, being in denial. And now I'm watching the that real grief as they process the loss and anyway, I'm very sorry for your loss.

April Ajoy  14:47  
Thank you, and I'm sorry for your loss. I know. It would be interesting now. Like with like, what I believe now going through like great, not that I would no one wants to go through loss, but just seeing how I process it. Because another thing I noticed As to I don't know if you've seen this, but there's a lot of almost lying to yourself, like people would be like, very dismissive of our pain and be like, Oh, well, you know, he was healed. Like, God gave them the ultimate healing, because he's in heaven now. And you know, and I kind of bought on to that too, for a while, because it was kind of what kept me going. But it was just like, you know, just kind of gaslighting a little bit. Yeah. Yeah, like, like, oh, like, Oh, God didn't heal my dad. No, he did. Like, that was not the prayer that I asked for.

David Ames  15:32  
And you know, and just to acknowledge, again, like, when you are the one who has experienced the loss, this is your data. It may not be you know, other than your mom, any other figure in your life who's more important. And they, I don't know, the minimization of your grief when they say something like that, right? That just the lack of empathy, the total lack of empathy is painful. Yeah.

So obviously, grief and the way that the Christians handled, your grief was leading to a lot of questions and you kind of said, there's this 10 year process, but give us a little insight into what what that looked like. Like what yeah, what in particular?

April Ajoy  16:22  
Sure. So there are obviously other things that had happened. I found myself I probably used to be more of an extrovert and I found I found myself moving to be more introverted. I was going to Regent University at the time, which is Pat Robertson school. You were the real Yeah, I

I later worked for Pat Robertson, was a producer for 700 Club

Interactive. Wow. So yes, I have. It's been a journey. So but yeah, so I find myself like not really wanting to be around Christians like not feeling. I found myself like not being able to know what parts of myself I could present. Yeah, until I figured out what kind of Christians I was dealing with. Interesting.

David Ames  17:11  
Yeah, yeah. Code switching in the Christian world.

April Ajoy  17:14  
Yeah, like, I like at Regent like I had, I had already deconstructed alcohol. So I was drinking, like, not like getting drunk or like, anything crazy, because I'll still go look Christian. But, you know, like, and drink wine and stuff like that. And I remember like, trying to figure out what other Christians that region drink, you know, and be like, hey, yeah, my favorite story of Jesus is when he turned water into wine. Right? This is like gauge. Exactly. Yeah. And it was alcohol, not grape juice, right? Because there are those that are like, No, it was grape juice back then it wasn't really alcohol. Okay. Okay. We take everything literal, except that

David Ames  17:53  
right? Yeah, I remember that in the assemblies. Yeah, for sure.

April Ajoy  17:58  
Yeah. So the next, the next big thing that happened was one of my brothers have two brothers who I'm really close to, because we're only a year and a half apart, they're twins. And we grew up in the same childhood. So I'm very close to them. And one of those brothers came out to me about six years ago, as gay. And he had new since he was in middle school, but just had begged God to take it away. And one of the things that I had been taught growing up was that people choose their sexuality and choose to be gay, and it's just the worst thing that you could do, you know, like, turned over to a reprobate mind, it's an abomination. Like we, my church did not like gay people. And so and when he told me he was, like, just sobbing, because I was the first and he had told him he was 26 at the time, and had kept that secret for that long. And so I like immediately, immediately changed. Like, I had kind of already been questioning that but I never had a personal reason to really dive into why I believed what I believed. Right. And so you know, my brother coming out to me because I knew him and it wasn't some fictitious you know, nameless group of people that you hear about from the sermon it was my brother

David Ames  19:27  
love that person. Yeah, you know, right.

April Ajoy  19:28  
I love that person. So I was like, Okay, it's definitely not a choice I believe you and he had originally cuz he's still a Christian to had this originally came out saying he wanted to be celibate because he still believed it was a sin and but that like couldn't change and I was still there and I was like, okay, yeah, and probably at the time, it was easier to swallow because he said he wanted to be celibate because I still just having that ingrained in you and indoctrinated into you that that is sinful and then it will send you to hell like it was though it took it took some time to unlearn all of that your theology. But yeah, so that that was six years ago. And then I do remember though that and this was before my brother came out. I was working at CBN, like I mentioned earlier, and I was in a cubicle. And it was the day that Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage. So I'm sitting in my cubicle at CBN and doing little breaking news goes off like It's like Supreme Court rules, whatever. And you see on video all celebrations happening all over the country, right? Yeah. But in that room, you would have thought someone like blew up our studio, like, the lady next to me was like, I kid you not goes Dean Supreme Court rules favor of gay marriage. She goes, Oh, Jesus, come quick, evil gays are taken. And people just thought, like, even then, and I had not even deconstructed but I was like, You people are crazy. Like, this is not. Y'all need to calm down. This. This seems like a huge overreaction.

David Ames  21:12  
I've always been fascinated by this concept of the gay agenda, where it's like, here's a disenfranchised group of people who have no power in society has, you know, repressed them and, you know, somehow they are taking over the world in some way or another. It's ridiculous.

April Ajoy  21:30  
Oh, yeah. It's, there's so many Boogie man's Yeah, it's it. Like, that's, that's what I realized, too. Looking back to there's just, it's just they say they're against canceled culture. But they are the ones that cancel all of the things. Yeah. Like, it's, yeah, I was always we were always in a fight some kind of fight against some kind of culture war that we pretty much we're making up in our heads, right.

David Ames  22:03  
And so like, how does this resolve itself? So obviously, you know, some major milestones? So major questions? Where did you land? Where do you feel like you are these days?

April Ajoy  22:15  
Sure. So, um, I, I've deconstructed quite a bit, it's kind of a buzzword these days. I would still consider myself a Christian. But I don't know I just because I feel like that closely, would resemble where I am. But I don't really hold to a lot of the evangelical beliefs. Yeah, if any of the, if any of those. So like, I believe in the teachings of Jesus. And I would say that I follow the teachings of Jesus, because I think that the the story, it's a beautiful story. And there's really good to be had of just like being selfless, and taking care of the marginalized and loving your neighbor and doing all the things that I don't see the evangelical church doing much of. So but like, I don't believe in hell, like an eternal conscious torment. Right. And honestly, once that one left, it was kind of, I've kind of landed on, you know, there's a lot that I don't know, and I'm still figuring it out. But I, the biggest difference now, between where I was, is I don't feel this pressure and this need to know, because when I was in evangelical spaces, I had certainty. And I had a very black and white way of thinking of this as absolute truth. And this is right, and this is absolutely wrong. And it's exhausting living in that binary. But in some ways, it's, it's easier because you can put things in boxes, and you don't have to think about it. Like it doesn't, you don't have to use a lot of logical thinking or critical thinking, because people just tell you what to think. And you just put things in black or white. That's right. We're now I'm kind of just living in the messy gray. And I don't know, like, I'm just finding myself being okay to not know and being okay. In this kind of, you know, I don't have to have an answer for everything. Because at the end of the day, especially when we're talking about spiritual, our spirituality, and God and like these really high level questions that we've all had at certain points in our life, none of us know. Yeah, like, you know, like, none of us had have died, and then like, come back to life, you know, to tell us like, Oh, I was in heaven for years, or I was reincarnated or, you know, all these different belief systems and like, good, none of us know. But I think that's okay. And just trying to be respectful of everyone's beliefs were before it was like, I didn't respect other people's beliefs because I knew that I am the like, What I know is correct. You know, people call me now I reminded and I would take it as a compliment, like, well, I can afford to be narrow minded because I'm right. Yeah, yes. So

David Ames  25:06  
one of the things, a common theme that comes up is the seeds of deconstruction or deconversion, or whatever are, are within Christianity itself, that the push for humility, the push for honesty, the seeking after truth, all of those things tend to lead slightly outside of Christianity. And I think you're a really good example of that of just kind of struggling to figure out which bit which bits do I keep? Which bits needs to go than that? Yeah, I'm really challenging.

April Ajoy  25:36  
Oh, yeah. When I think and I have said this before. And I remember like on a podcast, I think that other co hosts. But I think another big difference, too, is growing up in the church, especially in evangelical spaces, because so much of it is about presentation. And in like playing a good Christian role, that I was trying really hard to be a good Christian. And that made me a bad human. Sometimes, where now I've shifted it. And like, I just want to try to be a good human like to all people and by default, I, I feel like I've I'm actually a better Christ follower, like better Christian in that regard. But yeah, like, there's just, there's a lot of cognitive dissonance that you have to have to be in really extreme evangelical spaces. Like, for example, I was always taught growing up that, like, doesn't matter what you do, God loves you, and God will forgive you. And like, it seriously, doesn't matter. Like it's our relationship. It's a relationship, not religion, even though we were like, so religious. Like it's a relationship, it's not religion, it's based on grace only, like God forgives you of all your son's like, just because he loves you like, it's great that it you don't have to do anything to earn it. But then on the flip side, I grew up being like, don't steal cookie out of the cookie jar, you kids, because Jesus might come back, and then you're not going to make the rapture. And it's like, this, you all these scare tactics, like, Well, don't do this. And don't do that. Don't do that and follow all these rules, you know, just in case. And it's like, well, which is it? Is God, Does God love me? And is it completely by grace? Or is it works, and you live in this balance of it somehow being both and somehow, it like you? I don't even know how I justified it in my head. But I did and was just like, yes, it's by grace. But also you have to follow all of these rules that we're adding to the Bible, which is not like as if the Bible didn't already have too many rules. There's extra ones, especially at Assemblies of God. We have this saying for all had sinned and fallen short of the Assemblies of God. Yes.

David Ames  27:41  
Exactly. Yeah, totally.

April Ajoy  27:42  
Yeah. Did you go to Assemblies of God schools,

David Ames  27:45  
I did college. So I went to a very small assemblies, college that no longer exists. California, very, very theologically conservative, very politically conservative, as well. And I talked about I joke that the irony was that I had fantastic professors. And I joke that the professors did too good a job, they really taught me critical thinking. They taught me really good biblical interpretation, and exegesis, and hermeneutics and all those things. And a lot of that is what led to, you know, many years down the road, which led me to going, this isn't true anymore. And yeah, yeah. So that was quite an experience.

April Ajoy  28:25  
Yeah, I've some of the pushback that I get, which I get a lot from current evangelicals. say like, oh, well, I just went to school and got a liberal education and Satan use that. Yeah. I'm like, Yeah, I went to two Assemblies of God schools for undergrad and then I went to pat robertson school for grants. Yeah. I don't know what kind of liberal indoctrination you thought I was getting.

David Ames  28:49  
That's right. Yeah. Like I worked in the tech field and have for many years now, but my my Bachelor's is in church leadership. Not a terribly marketable

April Ajoy  29:01  
now. You probably really good at stacking chair.

David Ames  29:04  

April Ajoy  29:07  
Good stack a chair. That's right. All right. Yeah. Go ahead.

David Ames  29:11  
Please. This is your story.

April Ajoy  29:13  
Oh, no, I was just going to tell you a fun. It's not really fun. But one of the Assemblies of God schools that I went to, in Texas, stupid, like ridiculous rules. I could I could rail on the school forever. I only lasted a year. And I was still like evangelical at the time. But they had a purity week. So this school had chapel every single day, on a normal week. But on purity week, they had chapel morning and night. And it was mandatory that you had to go to all of them. And at the very end, they gave an altar call for everyone to come forward to pledge their purity in front of God and in front of all of your student body and they gave out these cards that you would vow to save yourself for marriage and you would check whether you were a virgin or a secondary.

David Ames  29:59  
Oh my goodness. But

April Ajoy  30:02  
it was so cringy. But all of us went forward because they also would like, they would take note of who wouldn't go forward because that's who then you'd have to keep an eye on to potentially kick out, you know, they were being devious. So

David Ames  30:15  
yeah, they last thing on their college front is that it was simultaneously you know, the the time period where you're becoming an adult. And and it was infantilizing, because it was, you know, we're gonna wrap you in this bubble. And and if you break any of these rules, you're out of here, like Yeah, so I have very bittersweet memories of college time. Yeah.

I do want to segue more to your work. And so I'd like to hear the beginning of your decision to start to be a public figure or to start to make public commentary about evangelicalism. How did that come about? And and talk about some of the work that you do?

April Ajoy  31:03  
Sure. So back in 2016, when Donald Trump began to run, and at that point, I would have still called myself an evangelical and a Republican in 2016. But although my person was Kasich, so a lot of people would have called me a rhino at the time, so I was definitely more like moderate, like moderate, right.

David Ames  31:27  
Quick comment, like I was, I was telling all of my Christian friends, why aren't you voting for kissick? Like he is? Absolutely the Christian guy. Why aren't you? Oh, for sure. It made no sense to me whatsoever. What why Trump? I don't get it.

April Ajoy  31:40  
No, I, you know, what? Neither do I still I still to this day, do not get it. Like I understand the background of it. Like I like I get it. But I also don't get it. I'm like, how do you not see? So anyway, so Trump, like I don't even need to go into detail. We all lived, we all lived through that no need to re traumatize us all. So I started just kind of seeing friends and family mainly mainly from church because I was friends with a lot of people from like, my dad's church, and just different churches, ministry, whatever. Really jumping on the Trump bandwagon. And so in 2016, would not vote I was a never Trumper. So did not vote for Trump, but also at that point, had a lot of unlearning to do still when it came to Democrats. So I also did not vote for Hillary because it was just like, Oh, my conscious. So I voted third party. And I would like make little posts like, hey, we could you don't have to vote for the Republican like, hey, Christians, like, you don't have to do that. You know, if your conscience won't let you vote for Trump, like, right, you don't have to. And I started getting just so much pushback, so much hate from, from church people. And I wasn't even saying anything necessarily really negative about Trump, I was just giving people permission to like, vote the other. And I even would say like, you can be a Christian and vote for a Democrat. And this idea that you can't is stupid, that people got very mad, very, very hard about that. They're like, like, yeah, so anyway, so I would kind of I wrote a couple blog posts, and I would post on Facebook every once in a while. But it just got really exhausting having to deal with the pushback that I would get from people that I know, especially like, a couple of people had said to one of my brothers, and my mom, too, and to me, so there's like different people that said this, that my dad would be disappointed in me because I didn't vote for Trump, like my late father. So I was just like, Man, y'all are worshipping this man, and I do not get it. So we survived few years. 2020 happens the pandemic, we're all stuck at home. I hear about this tick tock app, kids are talking about it. Like what is that a teen dancing app? I don't know. But it's a pandemic. And I'm stuck at home with my two little kids and my partner. So I download Tiktok. And just because I was bored, and I started making some mom videos, and then one day, and it was made 2020 I made one video that basically the the message was if you're a Christian, and you don't like Trump, you get kicked out of the club. Yeah. And it went really viral and got like almost a million views at the end. So, but I was surprised because most of the people that I was getting comments from like, yeah, I got some hate. But the majority of the comments were like, Oh, my gosh, me too. I thought I was the only one. And so I found like 1000s of Christians who didn't like Trump, but had never vocalized it because they were scared of, you know, all the pushback I was getting of being ousted and just the hate that you get from going against the grain. And so it just kind of became a thing. I was like, oh, there's there's like a need here. So I started making more political slash Christian content. went and kind of really accelerated my deconstruction, just kind of I was like, Okay, I'm going to take this year because I was home just had extra time on my hands like, and I'm really going to look at a lot of other like topics that I've never thought about like hell, and the rapture and racism, which was a huge one. Especially because like George Floyd and locally, we had some Black Lives Matter protests that I went to a lot of them and that seeing some of the like worship leaders and pastors that showed up to counter protest us in our in our protest was just to move a Confederate statue to our local museum. So not even not even destroy it. Like we wanted to move it to a museum. And the people thought we were Marxists trying to take over this town. It was, it was ridiculous. They, but yeah, but But one time, one of the local Baptist pastor showed up with his big ol Bible, and was preaching at us at the Black Lives Matter side. And one of the one of the things that he said in his sermon was that we needed to repent because the color of sin is black. Oh, dear. Oh, like, what, and then like, so in video of that went somewhat viral. And so people were accusing him of being racist, which he was. So then he went Facebook Live for like an hour, and just double down and was like, I'm not racist. It's impossible for me to be racist, because I'm a Christian. And and then he was like, I have a black friend. Like, he's all that typical stuff, like, oh my gosh, and so just realizing like, oh, the racism, so I also started digging into the just the history of the church and history of just Christianity in general, and how historically, we've been quite problematic. You know, but we don't ever hear it. We're all like growing up, especially being homeschooled. And with a Becca or Bob Jones curriculum, you know, Christianity was always portrayed as good, never bad. You know, so there's just, I just had to start speaking out more so that I just started making more and more content, and started gaining more people. I honestly, like, I kind of got a big audience on accident. It was just, you know, just finding an outlet. Really, it was an outlet to release some frustration that I was feeling from. Oh, just the world, like even even thinking back to the time when Trump was president. Like, I get anxious. Like, every day, I was watching the news. Is this the day we go into World War Three?

David Ames  37:35  
No, seriously, the existential angst that I felt for that, you know, five years or so was so long? Unbelievable.

April Ajoy  37:45  
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So it was just like, yeah, it was awful. I would hate to, I get anxious thinking about 2024. And when I see all these people talking about Trump again, I'm like, I can't No.

David Ames  37:58  
Just one more comment, like, Trump is so easy to make fun of, but I am, I'm still astonished. I'm old enough to have grown up in the 80s. When, you know, Russia was the big, bad, evil, and the movement towards the Republican Party moving towards pro Russia. Following Trump was astonishing to me. So I mean, you know, obviously, all these other things were ridiculous, the level of racism, I my naivete was shattered. You know, I had an early post where I was like, Listen, you all know that racism comes along with it. Maybe you're not a racist, but Trump is. So if you're supporting him, you are supporting racism. And I got just this huge blowback. And I thought, I was like, you know, then there was my ignorance of not recognizing that this had always been true. All right, but yeah, but just there's so many things that is just astonishing that the conservative group of people sold out every principle they said they held in. Sorry, you got Yeah, you got me.

April Ajoy  39:02  
Why do you think that was my biggest, you know, dirt? Like I honestly probably would have considered myself an evangelical until about a year ago, okay. Because I was just like, holding on, because I, I think too, when your whole life, my whole life was that and up until, like we had moved to, we'd moved recently during Trump and I had always worked as either a worship leader at a church, like any church that I was a part of, I was a leader and at some point, and I had resigned my most recent worship leader, position, like right before the pandemic. And so we were still going to church weekly, until the pandemic forced us not to even and we still streamed it, you know, so I do think there was something of one yeah, these these people that I had respected and thought were voices for God and you know that that meant it when they said love your neighbor and you know, things that I believed and listened to and even though I was problematic and very Republic And, you know, had some racism that I had to deal with. Like, I at least wanted to, like, do good, right, you know, like that, you know, like do the right thing. And then seeing all these people somehow justify doing terrible things. You know, you mentioned how supporting Trump is like supporting racism. I had made the comment, I think it was after. I think it was after that one debate where he was debating Biden, and he told the proud boys to stand by or what, whatever he said. And I was like, God, can we stop supporting this man now? Like, he couldn't clear like, that's an easy, that's a softball answer. There's an easy answer, and he didn't do it. And then I got so much pushback. And people mean, like, Donald Trump's the least racist person, like name, name, one thing racist he's ever done. And I was, like, easy, and then I like literally name 10. Thanks. Sure. Because I was like, I'm gonna own this answer. I named 10 things with with sources of this and and to see them somehow justify those things not being racist. Or then they're like, well, Biden is worse. I'm like, Oh, my gosh, I cannot I cannot handle these people. anymore. I'm an ex Evangelical, I want no part of this group.

David Ames  41:19  
Like that's, that's fun. Yeah. Awful.

So another topic I want to talk about. And then I think what we'll do is we'll just we'll cover some of the specific items that you you tackle in your videos. Sure, is comedy in general, is satire. And, you know, was that in the use of satire? Intentional? Do you see that? How does it actually change people's minds? That kind of thing? Let's talk sure comedy as the media.

April Ajoy  41:53  
Yeah. So I've always considered myself just, I don't know, a funny, funny ish person. I like comedy. Humor is just how I cope with trauma in general, like I can, I can laugh about dark things. And most people feel like oh, my goodness, I'm just dealing with trauma. So that was part of it. But it wasn't necessarily intentional, but I just kind of realized there's enough people who are vocal about the evangelical church, like in a in a serious, really, you know, intellectual way. And I just have so many ridiculous experiences that I was like, I feel like I could just, like, portray this in a comedic way, and maybe exaggerated slightly, although a lot of the stuff I do like, isn't even exaggerated. It's like, it's hard to make satire these days. Because reality is at, like, just out of this world. Yeah, but one thing that I've kind of realized is that with comedy, sometimes it can get a message across, that's a little more palatable. Where if, you know, if I go at someone and like, Trump supporters are idiots, you know, like, immediately turned out like, you know, no one's gonna listen to me anymore. But if I show in a sketch them saying completely contradictory statements in a conversation, you know, then it's like, oh, oh, is that? Is that how we sound? Which to be fair, most of them still won't get it? Or if they do, they're like, well, Democrats are worse. You know, baby killer, whatever, whatever the Yeah, the next thing is, yeah, I found that it also comedies a little subjective to so I actually get myself in trouble sometimes, because I'll do something, you know, comedic, making fun of a certain mountain, no ideology and evangelicalism. And there are people who are still evangelicals that that will find it funny. And then start following me thinking that I'm just an Evangelical, or they took it like a slightly different way. And then like, and then they see my other stuff, and then they get really mad, and then I like sailed a little too close to the sun there.

David Ames  44:06  
I always think of Steven cold air when he did his original show. There was an aspect of people not really understanding that he was doing satire. There were lots of conservatives that followed his work. And so it sounds like that similar, but the same kind of thing happens to you.

April Ajoy  44:22  
Yeah, yeah. Yes, it does. And you like specific groups, like I'll call I've called out Bethel. I don't know if you're familiar with Bethel Bill Johnson. Yeah. Which in California. Big. I've had issues with Bethel even before I fully deconstructed but anyway, I made a video where I specifically called out like, all the weird things that Bethel has done, and it landed on like reformed side of Tiktok. Like the Calvinists of the world, and they were loving me. They were like, yes, yes, I completely agree. And then I was like, ah, you know, there's misunderstanding here like I am not you. You are probably medic two. So it's like finding these weird things because like, I call out a bunch of different things. So that'll land on certain sides of Christianity that like, yes, love it follow. And then they're in for a rude awakening. They're like, Oh, I expected more out of you. Okay, I'm sorry to disappoint.

David Ames  45:17  
If you don't mind, what I'd like to do is go over just some of the topics that you've tackled. And then you can talk about maybe specific videos you did, or just where your head was at on. Yeah, one of the themes that I think just jumps out at me looking at at your work is the role of women in church. So you're both making fun of the limitations the church puts on them, and then the the roles that women choose for themselves.

April Ajoy  45:43  
Yeah, so like, growing up in the church, there's a lot of misogyny, whether intentional or not, I mean, I didn't even grow up in a complementarian Church, which is, you know, the belief that there are very specific gender roles that men have must always be the heads and women are beneath them, and must serve them and submit to their husbands blah, blah, although that existed around where I was. But the not in in besides just gender roles, putting the pressure on the woman for how she dresses, like I found a picture of me recently, from when I was like, 19, I was at church, and it was 100 degrees in Texas, and I was outside in a sweater. Yeah, I had a sweater over my like, and I was just like, like, it was a sleeveless dress, because it was 100 degrees. But I had a friggin sweater over it. Because exposed shoulders. You know, I couldn't I didn't want a man just stumble from looking at my shoulders. Because somehow that's my problem. You know, so So and which that's a very prevalent problem still today is, you know, I mean, I don't know if you saw the Brian suave tweet that was going viral last week, where he was just where he was putting the pressure on the woman, he was saying that women should never post anything about their body. That's right. And, and his examples that he gave, were having a newborn, and show a weight loss journey. I'm like, like the idea. And I remember to getting weird books at church when I would nurse my child. Like when I had a baby, even though I was covered. Yeah, it's like, oh, a man is gonna think of your breast because you're nursing a child and like, Okay, I have breasts. I'm a woman like, like, how is that my fault? I'm feeding my child. So yeah, and it's just super toxic. And it's something and purity culture, specifically, is probably something that I've that has been the hardest to unlearn for me. Because even today, and I'm in my 30s, like, if I were as something that just reveals too much like a crop top or an reveal too much, let's like old way of saying, you know, that's just like, show some skin. Yeah, like at all. Yeah, like, I get like self conscious. Like, initially, I'm like, oh, shoot, I probably like I get anxious about it. So I'm getting better. Because I want to wear what I want to wear. But it's still so ingrained that my initial reaction is like, oh, shoot, I can't I can't show that. Like, that's, that's too much.

David Ames  48:23  
Purity culture was second on my list. And, uh, two videos that I want to comment on, or have you comment on was, the one was if we talk to boys, the way we talk to girls about how they dress, where you flipped the roles at genius? And then the other is the recent response to the John Cooper ridiculousness. Or it wasn't maybe not John Cooper, but the deconstruction being sexy. Oh, yeah. Where you just made it funny, but like, you know, you you're being provocative, and it's showing how ridiculous that is. So if you'd like to comment on either of those,

April Ajoy  48:57  
yeah, sure. So the the male one, it was a duet of another woman who had she did the cont she was doing the audio but I was acting as the boy because I do think if if the church treated men, like purity culture, the way that they treated women, you know, because we I was very tall. So I was constantly having asked to wear pants and like 100 degree weather at church camp because my legs were too long. An employee could see my legs like well I have them I do have legs all the way up to you know, right so like the reverse of that and and like also I was at youth camp in high school one of these camps I went to and all the girls whether we were in a one piece bathing suit or not had to wear T shirts over it, and the boys could go topless. Yeah. Like so it's just I do think if they had flipped it you know and made boys like always have to cover up and because women are so visual women are visual creatures. Because lust after, after your bad, like, I feel like it would be nipped in the bud so fast, you know, like, like, oh, that's stupid. We're not doing that. So there's a huge double standard there. And then the sexy deconstruction so that was kind of a first I made that one wanted to be funny and actually my partner he came up with the idea to like, shoot like a sexy commercial for sexy deconstruction, which was based off Matt Chandler chasseur. In Texas. Yeah. Who said that? That deconstruction is just like a sexy thing to do, nowadays, which is it's just it's laughable the different things they I've seen different evangelical pastors like the way they try to diminish deconstruction and like, discount it. The the I've heard that we just want street cred, that we're doing it because we just want to live in sin, that we are ushering in the times that deconstructionist were actually the ones in charge that started slavery. And then that it's sexy, like, yeah, like, okay, so they're coming up, you could just listen to us, you could just like, listen, we're telling you why. It's none of those things.

David Ames  51:14  
An episode that's coming up on my podcast is Megan Crozier. I made the comment that all of the hot takes from pastors about deconstruction show that they have never talked to someone who's actually deconstructed, and she corrected me and she said, No, they've talked to them, they just haven't listened. And I thought that was really a brilliant insight that, you know, they show that they are just looking for a response, they haven't actually listened to anyone who has gone through this kind of doubt process.

April Ajoy  51:43  
Right? Right. Yeah. And they and I kind of get where they're coming from, because that's their livelihood. You know, if everyone deconstruction leaves the church, like they're out of a job fair, which is, you know, I'm at this point, I feel like an Evangelical Church is so toxic that it just needs to burn and like, go away. You know, the, they don't like that. But yeah, like they were Did you see that? There was a Christianity Today article, I think just yesterday, very recently, that was like, the title of it was, wait, are you deconstructing? And it's a pretty long article about deconstructing and what it is, and the extra angelical I don't know movement, whatever you wanna call it, and they did not interview one single person that is deconstructing? Or is an excellent Jellicle. Like, how do you write an entire piece on it and not talk to one person on that side like this? They just keep patting each other on the back like, oh, yeah, they're just being led by Satan. No. Yep. They're just want to live in that sin. Like, I never go anywhere. Like what sin? What sin Am I living? I'm married. I have two kids. I'm pretty much at home most of the time. Like, please inform me of myself.

David Ames  52:55  
Like I'm the most boring person.

April Ajoy  52:58  
Yeah, what is my sinful lifestyle?

David Ames  53:03  
Like, we could go on forever. The more you tackle racism, the evangelical response to critical race theory. It's the new Boogeyman. And it's the new. Yeah. Anti mask. The COVID response.

April Ajoy  53:19  
Oh, that that one pisses me off. So you had one job? Yeah. Like, love your neighbor? Like, that's not hard. Yeah. Oh, I saw someone tweet this the other day that I don't remember who it was. But they were saying, you know, because all these people that are anti mascot, they do it because they're patriots, you know, the like, yeah, I would. Like you claim you would take a bullet for your country, but you won't wear a mask for your neighbor. Like come on. Come on.

David Ames  53:45  
It is phenomenal how a direct reading of Jesus's teaching within the New Testament is contravened by many of the responses of evangelicals. It's it is just oh

April Ajoy  53:57  
yeah, no, it doesn't make any sense. I talked to a pastor's wife one time about I don't even know it was like a comment. And she was talking about something violence that you know, we're gonna have to take up our arms and defend our rights and and someone had commented like Well, what about Jesus saying turn the other cheek, you know, lay down your sword and, and she said and I quote, turn the other cheek is not meant to be literal. Like okay. All right. You take everything else literal. Yes. Except for that and the wine. skip those.

David Ames  54:39  
You also tackle which I love the like the Tick Tock pastor or youth pastors like response. You've got some really good videos on that. You've tackled Christian influencers, and like the essential oil sales salesperson.

April Ajoy  54:55  
There's so many it's like endless content. Yeah.

David Ames  54:58  
And then you've got another I'd like one thing that you do is called the things I saw Christians post where you just take direct posts from from Christians and respond to them and I just read

April Ajoy  55:08  
on that one feels like revenge for for all the things that people have said to me on Facebook I'm like, oh, okay, I'm just gonna blast you on tick tock but I do block out the names because I don't want to be people used to mass report my account so actually got permanently banned one route back in November. Yeah, cuz people mass my they'll mass report it and hopefully tic TOCs change it but the way the algorithm works like if you get so many reports, it'll automatically just take your site down. So I'll have videos that get taken down from bullying and just because they get mad, but usually usually tick tock restores it. But yeah, so but I'm back. I didn't hold me down long.

David Ames  55:52  
That's amazing. Yeah.

Let's take a few minutes to talk about evangelical ish. I'll be honest, I haven't been able to see a lot of them. But I watch your like review year and the review episode. And you guys talked a lot about how cathartic it was for you as CO hosts. So maybe tell us how it came about, and what that's been for you?

April Ajoy  56:21  
Yeah, so about a year ago, we started evangelical ish and I met there two pastors on Tik Tok for one of them is still a current worship pastor is but left their Evangelical Church and is now in an affirming progressive church. And then the other one still does like a weekly, online, Zoom community type church. But as a former somebody's of God pastor, and we actually met them on tick tock just because the nice thing about tick tock is based on what you like, and what kind of content you make, it serves you more of that. So you can be on like a deconstruction X van Jellicle kind of space on tick tock, and you find people that are very similar to you. And so I met them a little over a year ago, maybe a year and a half ago now. And we were just talking because, you know, they were building their audience kind of on similar themes. And we're like, how do we, like there's such a need for community and one thing that I hear a lot is things that people miss once leaving evangelicalism is that community feeling of seeing the same people every week, you know, seeing people, just people that you may not be very close to, but they see your kids grow up. And there's just kind of a this community that's built in on the theme on the podcast. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, yes. And so how lonely it can be, you know, once you leave those spaces, you know, because like, like, for me, I, my conviction is like, I can't support an evangelical church anymore, because I don't, I don't see enough good there for that to be worth my time. And I feel like I would be complicit in a lot of harm. So like, that's my conviction. Like, I just can't do it, even though I do miss those communities. And so we were just talking like, well, what could we do to at least try to make that space. So we started evangelical ish, which is, it's a podcast, but we record them all live. And so we do it live on YouTube. So we have a live chat. So people are chatting, and then we started a Facebook, like private group for whoever wants to join, just so people can kind of meet other people and find people close to them. So we've kind of been able to build somewhat of a community, like I wouldn't say it matches in person, but you know, it's still a pandemic. So not that we'd be doing that anyway.

David Ames  58:37  
I've been living in that pension to have like, you know, trying to facilitate community, but like, okay, but still, we need to do it online right now. Because, right, it's not not as good for sure. But it's, it's better than nothing.

April Ajoy  58:49  
Yeah, but I think there's there's just been something really healing and like sharing stories with each other and hearing other people's stories, you know, people in our group, they'll share kind of their deconstruction story and where they are. And it's just, it's built this community, not based on judgment, because I feel like, like, I had been in similar spaces, like in the church when I had questions. But when you bring genuine questions to like, small groups and church, it's so easily like, given a Christianese answer, you know, like, oh, well, God just works in mysterious ways. Or no, well, you know, you just need it. You just need to believe a little bit harder, you know, just it's blind faith, you got to have that blind faith. And we're in this group of people, people just like, you know, I don't I don't know. I don't have an answer to that. But you're not alone. And I think just the you're not alone piece has been just really nice and healing in some ways, and just seeing other people who have been deeply hurt and that's why people like Matt Chandler saying the deconstruction of sexy is so laughable because we're talking about really existential crisis for a lot of people like questioning everything I've ever believed in my entire life losing that community. Like, really, it's really hard. And you know, and I think that's another reason why I do. Like, why I make my page about it humorous, is because if you I don't know if you saw the Stephen Colbert clip that was going around where he was talking about why he does comedy that he like, takes power away from the sadness if you can laugh about it. And then I was like, that's really profound, because I do feel like that's kind of where I come from, like, yeah, this stuff is really harmful, and it's done a lot of damage. But it was also really weird as crap and we shouldn't be able to laugh about it a little bit, because it's so ridiculous. And so I think it also just brings like, laughter is good medicine in general. So just being able to laugh about just some of the ridiculous stuff, which is getting harder to laugh about because reality is blurring with satire these days, but yeah,

David Ames  1:00:57  
well, I love your work. You've made a fan of me. I want to give you an opportunity to tell people how they can find your work where do they need to look?

April Ajoy  1:01:06  
Sure so you can find me on Tik Tok or on Instagram at at April Ajoy that's April spelled the normal way and then Ajoy AJOY, and then I'm on Twitter at April Ajoy are because April joy has taken and I'm not salty about it.

David Ames  1:01:23  
That's awesome. I will also make sure that the links in the show notes for that. But

April Ajoy  1:01:27  
yeah, yeah. Or and yeah. And if you want to listen to my podcast, I co host it's called evangelical ish.

David Ames  1:01:32  
Excellent. All right. Thank you for being on the podcast. Yeah.

April Ajoy  1:01:36  
Thank you so much for having me.

David Ames  1:01:43  
Final thoughts on the episode? Well, I absolutely love April's approach and her comedic take. I think satire is an incredible tool for communicating truth. It gets past people's defenses and allows them to see the ridiculousness without their defenses being up. My apologies for being a little giggly throughout this entire episode. I love comedians, comedians are my favorite guests to have an April is just absolutely amazing. I think that April's story is important because she was so deeply involved in the evangelical world. Having gone to high profile evangelical colleges, both an undergraduate and graduate school, having traveled around with her evangelist father and saying, having been on the Jim Baker show, having worked for CBN she was all in she was 100% in even calling herself an evangelical up to around 2016 or so. And for someone like that, to deconstruct it is a giant sign pointing to the problems within evangelicalism. And from my perspective, Christianity itself. Many of the topics that APR addresses on Tiktok and Instagram are about patriarchy, and misogyny and nationalism and the problems that are self evident within evangelicalism. You can hear the effect that purity culture had on April and that she's still working through that to this day, as it has had an effect on many of us. You've heard me say multiple times why I started the podcast was that right? As I was D converting there were so few voices out there that were not debate oriented and hostile. And the opposite of a Theo bro was a rationality bro and that environment. And so I am so convinced that things like comedy are the right tools to communicate what the ex van Jellicle is have to say about their experience growing up in evangelicalism. And I think April is at the top of that game. She's an incredibly important voice, communicating the problems within evangelicalism. Please do check out April's Tik Tok and Instagram, April Ajoy, April Ajoy. And you can also find her on Twitter. Also check out her podcast evangelical ish, which is, as we said in the conversation, the three co hosts are really working it out Where where are they at this point in time. Of course, there will be links in the show notes. I want to thank APR for being on the podcast for sharing her sense of humor and honesty. And her incredible story. Thank you April. The secular Grace Thought of the Week is a hard segue and really isn't related to my conversation with April. But it has been on my mind for the last week so I needed to share it with you. And this is the idea of epistemic vigilance, which sounds like a big word but it just means being very Careful and intentional about how we know what we know. And there are three areas where that's incredibly important. The obvious one is the topic of the podcast, which is we have been told that a transcendent supernatural world exists with a theistic, personal God who is in control of everything. And is that true? And how do we know if that is or is not true? What's the process we go through to determine whether that is the case or not? That's actually not what I want to talk about here. I really want to talk about the world that we currently live in, and the amount of disinformation that is out there. A simple example being a recent deep fake video of Solinsky telling his troops to stand down. The technical world is moving rapidly towards the ability to create video and audio That sounds almost indistinguishable from the person that they are faking, in this case, Solinsky. If you think that fake news is bad today, it is about to get much, much, much worse. And we will all need to learn to have epistemic vigilance to wait to let video and audio be analyzed to make sure that it's not fake to make sure that it is valid. But as you can imagine, a deep fake video comes out, it goes out on Twitter, it becomes incredibly viral to one side or the other. And then three hours later, the analysis comes out saying no, this was fake, and that doesn't go viral. And so trying to manage this information is a nearly impossible task. So what we need to do as individuals is have epistemic vigilance. And the third area that's been on my mind, I don't even know how to describe this third area other than to say the heterodox leaning, quote unquote, centrists. If you listen to podcasts like I do, there are very many left leaning or right leaning podcasts. But then there's a group of people who have set themselves up as centrists, but they are specifically heterodox in their approach. So the best example of that is there's a huge spate recently of disinformation about COVID-19 from various podcasts that are not quite against vaccines, but saying that there's too much of them. They're the people saying, two months ago, when we were in the middle of an Omicron wave that it was time to stop masking. It's that kind of thing, where they specifically take the counter position from the scientific community from the public health community. This is deeply concerning to me, because I can see how seductive This is to many people, including many friends of mine, including possibly some of you listening. I want you to have epistemic vigilance. If it sounds like somebody has a bone to pick. They do if they're going against the scientific consensus that public policy consensus. Be deeply skeptical. We don't take our skeptical hats off. Just because it is a secular person or, or someone who sounds very smart, or someone who sounds like they're an expert in in a particular field. We still need to have epistemic vigilance. All right, I will step down from my soapbox now. Next up, we have Bethany from our community, Bethany is incredibly bright. She's incredibly interesting, and I can't wait to share her story with you. And the week after that, we have Luke Jensen, from recovering evangelicals. And I will be interviewing Robert peoples of the affinis project, which I can't wait to share with you as well. A project focused on humanism and justice. Until then, my name is David and I am trying to be the graceful atheist. Join me and be graceful human beings. Time for the footnotes. The beat is called waves for MCI beats, links will be in the show notes. If you'd like to support the podcast, you can promote it on your social media. You can subscribe to it in your favorite podcast application, and you can rate and review it on pod You can also support the podcast by clicking on the affiliate links for books on restful If you have podcast production experience and you would like to participate podcast, please get in touch with me. Have you gone through a faith transition? And do you need to tell your story? Reach out? If you are a creator or work in the deconstruction deconversion or secular humanism spaces and would like to be on the podcast? Just ask you If you'd like to financially support the podcast, there's links in the show notes. To find me you can google graceful atheist. You can google deconversion you can google secular race. You can send me an email, graceful or you can check out the website graceful My name is David and I am trying to be the graceful atheist. Join me and be graceful human beings

this has been the graceful atheist podcast

Transcribed by

Ryan Mulkowsky: Some Random Thoughts

Deconstruction, Deconversion, ExVangelical, Humanism, Podcast, Podcasters, secular grief
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This is the three year anniversary of the Graceful Atheist Podcast. Thank you to everyone who has listened and participated. Special thanks to Mike T and Arline for their work on the podcast over the past year.

This week’s guest is Ryan Mulkowsky. Ryan grew up Independent Fundamentalist Baptist. He made a “profession of faith” when he was nine years old and was reading Christian apologetics before he was twelve. By fourteen, Ryan was “licensed” by the church and started teaching the kids. 

However, Ryan’s mental health suffered during adolescence. Whether at home, school or church, no place was safe for him to grow and change—strict dress codes, young-earth creationism, white-centered history books and virtually no sexual education. 

“I constantly felt like anything that was happening to me was because I was a sinner or because I was depraved or something was wrong with me.”

Ryan went to one university that was even more conservative and strict than his high school, left and graduated from another with a degree in apologetics. But Ryan knew he wanted to be with people.

“I realized that the majority of the apologists have this disposition. They have zero interest in talking to people. They just like to debate, and they just like to lecture.”

Soon Ryan was introduced to healthcare chaplaincy, and for the first time, saw people up-close in great physical and emotional need. He was also introduced to other religious faiths—Buddhism Orthodox Judaism and progressive Christianity. 

“That’s when a lot of my beliefs started disintegrating and dissolving and coming apart was when I was a chaplain and a resident.”

Ryan is a now a secular humanist, married with a family and working as a grief coordinator for Hospice. His life has both meaning and purpose without religion. He is living out secular grace by providing comfort and peace in some of humanity’s most vulnerable moments.

“That’s where the beautiful stuff is. That’s where the human, raw, real, unfiltered but so damn beautiful and sacred stuff is.”





Some Random Thoughts Podcast


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“Waves” track written and produced by Makaih Beats

Jeffrey Caldwell: Humanist Hospice Chaplain

Atheism, Humanism, Podcast, Secular Community, Secular Grace, secular grief
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This week’s guest is Jeffrey Caldwell. Jeffrey grew up in Lancaster county, PA in a liberal denomination set in a conservative area. As a child, church was “okay,” filled with the usual things—bible crafts in Sunday school and singing in the choir. His family was “quasi-religious,” so no one was ever pressured to believe anything.

Jeffrey doubted whether Christianity was real throughout middle school. Neither his parents nor his siblings took it very seriously, so he left church in high school but was still searching for meaning. 

Music, books and movies filled the space that religion often does. Eventually, his interest expanded to include philosophy, politics, social justice, all influenced by the “oldies” his dad played in the car. 

“I was fascinated by this idea of just ordinary, everyday people banding together to solve whatever problems they were facing…”

In his twenties, Jeffrey struggled with mental health issues and after a surprise encounter with a church youth group, he knew he was missing community.

“I recognized instantly that that’s what I was looking for in my life, some place where I felt like I belonged, some place where I felt like people valued me for who I was. But at the same time, I realized that I wasn’t a christian.”

He didn’t fit in with the traditional religions, so he tried the UU church. Then he got involved in progressive politics and social justice, and eventually went to seminary and became a chaplain.

“Learning to be a chaplain was learning how to sit with people who are in pain and distress and not be overwhelmed by their pain and distress.”

Now, Jeffrey has a thriving online and in-person community, Connections Humanist Community. Each week, people share stories and conversations. The members belong to a  community where they are valued and heard. Jeffrey is living out what it means to be a “graceful atheist.”

Connections Humanist Community


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2021 Holiday Special

Deconstruction, Deconversion, ExVangelical, Podcast, Secular Community, Secular Grace, secular grief, Secular Humanist Graces
Photo by Thomas Bormans on Unsplash
Photo by Thomas Bormans on Unsplash
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The Holidays: The Big White Elephant in the Room

When one has deconverted, the holidays may look completely different, reexamining everything from family traditions to singing carols to dealing with those extended family members. On today’s episode, two returning guests, Arline and Lars and a new guest, Carlene, share how the holidays have and haven’t changed since deconversion. 

Lars and Arline go into what it’s like to be an unbelieving parent during the holidays, navigating the mythologies of Santa and Jesus. Children ask genuine questions, and they expect genuine answers.

The group discusses what they have not given up, among other things, singing Christmas carols. Carols are different than singing religious songs at church, more cultural than sacred. For some, however, it takes a little self-discipline to sing along without critiquing the lyrics. 

The guests also examine what they have thrown in the trash bin completely, including, but not limited to, the phrase “Merry Christmas” and all those nativity scenes. 

Being thankful of the time spent with extended family can be challenging, regardless of religious beliefs. Each person shares how they’re finding their own unique ways of appreciating time with family. Religion does not own the rights to giving thanks. 

Lastly, Carlene, David, Lars and Arline consider some new traditions they’ve started or would like to start. Nature is the easiest place to experience awe and wonder, and everyone discussed ways to be in nature more this winter. Also, creating new traditions can be awkward and may not always turn out quite like we hope.

It is a lovely conversation, full of hope and lots of humor. 

“…It’s scary and new, and that might actually be the best part because your life is in many ways new again…you get to experience so many things for the first time with a new mindset, and this will hopefully enrich your life going forward…”


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“Waves” track written and produced by Makaih Beats

Photo by Thomas Bormans on Unsplash

Lars and Christie: Deconverted Family

Atheism, Critique of Apologetics, Deconversion, Deconversion Anonymous, LGBTQ+, Podcast, Purity Culture, Secular Community, secular grief
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My guests this week are Lars, Christie, Teddy, Amy and Eleanor, a whole family who deconverted around the same time. Lars felt a sense of duty to be a Christian all his life because he believed it was true. Christie felt there was “good evidence” for parts of the Bible and accepted on faith that the rest was true. This worked fine until they both came to the conclusion that there was not enough evidence to continue believing.

During the pandemic with Church on screen rather than in person, both Lars and Christie began to feel freedom from Church. They eventually admitted to each other that they no longer believed. A few months later they asked the kids, “Do you notice anything we are not doing any longer?” To which they responded, “church.” None of them seemed to miss much, other than friends and the snacks!

Lars and Christie also share about Lars’ demi-sexuality and the difficult early conversations around sex when they were first getting married. This highlights the destructive aspects of purity culture on everyone.

Today the whole family is feeling free, intellectually honest and relieved after admitting to themselves they no longer believe and stopped going to church.


Answers To Answers In Genesis FB group

William Lane Craig admitting it is the witness of the holy spirit not evidence



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“Waves” track written and produced by Makaih Beats

Eli: Transition and Deconstruction

Adverse Religious Experiences, Autonomy, Deconstruction, ExVangelical, LGBTQ+, Podcast, Religious Abuse, Secular Grace, secular grief
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My guest this week is Eli Fuhrmler-Wheeler. Eli grew up going to Awanas at an Evangelical Free church. Eventually, he attended an Assemblies of God church and spoke in tongues. His parents forbade him from going to that church and “of course I felt they were keeping me from the gates of heaven and pulling me into hell.”

Eli’s childhood was traumatic in many ways. He experienced sexual abuse, neglect, his mom was very sick her whole life, her boyfriends were abusive, his father had an antisocial personality disorder, and he lived on and off in foster homes.

Eli sought the comfort of drugs and alcohol. He discovered he was a lesbian. He was told he was going to hell by his family.

As an adult he began a relationship with his now wife. At 30 he realized he was a man and began transition. Eli has faced rejection by family and some friends. However, his gracefulness through it all has won some of them over.

[Rather than show grace, why not be angry at those who have not shown you grace?]
That wouldn’t teach anybody anything.
It wouldn’t teach me anything and it wouldn’t teach them anything.

Eli deconstructed from Christianity through the years. He has explored various world religions including Norse Heathenry and various mystic traditions.

Transition and therapy have given Eli the wholeness he deserves. Eli and his wife show unconditional love for one another. This is the relationship that Eli has experienced grace for himself.


Secular Therapy

Religious Trauma Institute


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“Waves” track written and produced by Makaih Beats

Thomas: Deconversion Anonymous

Atheism, Critique of Apologetics, Deconversion, Podcast, Religious Trauma, Secular Grace, secular grief
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This week’s show is a Deconversion Anonymous episode.

My guest this week is Thomas. Thomas is a Missionary Kid. He was very close to his mother who passed away in her 40s when he was in middle school.

There were all these other people there [his mom’s funeral] talking about her being in a better place, but I knew she was just gone.

There is nothing else.

Thomas went through real depression for years after losing his mother and losing his faith. We discuss the hardships of grieving a loved one without comforting beliefs. He went through bouts of self-medication including being immersed in the massively multi-player online game, World of Warcraft.

It all just seems like symbols for human metaphors and common experience.

Thomas went on to become a professional scientist. The meditative nature of running was helpful. He also discovered actual meditation gave him peace. A rich and varied diet of podcasts also helped him along the way. He says he now experiences real joy that was only promised to him as a Christian.

Thomas’ Recommendations

Akira the Don, created a genre of music called Meaningwave, lofi hip-hop with themed lecture content made musical. On Spotify and YouTube, with some songs having full visuals.


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“Waves” track written and produced by Makaih Beats